My 05 Big Bruin (pics)

Leave it to you to notice the typo. :rolleyes: The actual measurement was 7 feet 4 inches. Funny thing is that he really doesn't compare to that brown I saw last week :eek: Might have to try some predator calling and see if I can draw that one off of the private land he's living on.

Don't know what I'm looking for for my second bear. An 8 footer would be nice. :cool: Haven't shot a large color phase for a while. Would like to hammer a big brown or blonde. Still have a lot of season left. The real big boars don't normally start showing themselves until the rut starts the 3rd week of May.

I work in the killing side of forestry. hump hump Actually did get in a productive day of timber cruising yesterday. It doesn't take me too long to skin and quarter after all the practice I've had the last few years.
hey fellas, what time of day is the best for hunting bears? Do they tend to come out a little later in the morning, or is it a daylight thing, or the afternoons?
First daylight or end of the day. Bears are more Nocturnal.

that being said, I've seen them at noon.... Theres always an Exception ;)
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