Kenetrek Boots

Murder for ducks


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
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Funny my uncle and I were just talking about how crazy some of the refuge hunters are. My understanding is this was a argument over a dick blind. Crazy times we live in. They are just ducks man.

Ah, you might want to fix a type there...

Just sayin'.

Could happen to anyone ;)
My cell phone will change a perfectly typed "duck hunting" into exactly that. I don't know why, but I think I should sue.
Mine changes “shit” in to “isis”, among other things. no idea how to fix it. I feel like spellcheck got worse a couple years ago. Was posting this right as I walked thru the door to a roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots and cornbread. No time to proofread when the wife has all that going on.

Back to duck hunters

This doesn't surprise me, honestly.

I've seen a lot of hunters with bad tempers on public refuges. Brawls on the dikes over spots, running boats through decoys, etc.

I was somewhat able to handle guys setting up within range to skyblast ducks working to me, but stopped going to the refuge by St. Paul, KS because I got blasted with steel shot the last 2 trips out there.
I regularly hunt a federal refuge every year and have never had any problems until this last season ... and even that incident was hardly serious. I watched a couple dozen pheasants fly across the road from Russian olive to the edge of the cattails on the lake quarter mile away. I worked into the tulies about fifteen yards and skirted the edge, knowing that any birds flushed would try to fly deeper into the stuff. A pickup approached from the south, three people bailed out, and the truck continued up the road till driver spotted my hunter orange and stopped. Meanwhile the other three start running for the tulies. What are these clowns up to? They don't even have a dog. A small bunch of sharpies floated over them 75 yards high and someone with a twenty gauge wasted three shots. And of course then all the nervous pheasants everywhere took off for parts inaccessible. Yeah, I turned the air purple with foul expletives! The three then took off running for the truck. Just as well. I wouldn't hunt birds in that crap but I have an exceptional dog. Certainly no one has any business shooting birds in head high cattails without one. Generally everyone I meet on that refuge are good folks. Very often hook up with strangers to show them where to find birds. Few people know that place as well as I do.
Funny, my uncle and I were just talking about how crazy some of the refuge hunters are. My understanding is this was a argument over a duck blind. Crazy times we live in. They are just ducks man.

Well they found him dead in the waters. Didn't release how he died yet though. He was a pretty successful business owner too. Damn. Over some ducks.
Well they found him dead in the waters. Didn't release how he died yet though. He was a pretty successful business owner too. Damn. Over some ducks.
There's been more news released it sounds like the guy had some serious mental conditions coming to light recently. Sounded like bad dementia.
It's good to remind ourselves that de-escalation is the way to go. Pride gets you killed. Being the smart man, de-escalating a situation and leaving, ensures you go home to your loved ones.
that is good to remind ourselves, but this situation had nothing to do with an argument
I hunt big game all over the country on public and private land. The only time I have ever had a negative experience dealing w another hunter was while dove hunting on a private farm. The farmer granted different ones permission but one guy (a professor at Duke Univ) thought he had the entire place to himself. It was hard to walk away from what all he was saying. I keep telling myself that Karma will get him.
that is good to remind ourselves, but this situation had nothing to do with an argument

The article posted after paints a clearer picture for sure. Still a good reminder nonetheless. Mental health issues are very serious and you never truly know someone's state of mind. Life is short and can end in an instant, provoked or not.
I hunt big game all over the country on public and private land. The only time I have ever had a negative experience dealing w another hunter was while dove hunting on a private farm. The farmer granted different ones permission but one guy (a professor at Duke Univ) thought he had the entire place to himself. It was hard to walk away from what all he was saying. I keep telling myself that Karma will get him.
The duck hunting thing has become too glorified. Like bone collecting big game hunting. It's great to have a hobby, especially one that gets folks into the outdoors, but don't let it take over your life! I mean, 700 decoy spread? When people take it that seriously and spend that much money, it's no wonder they go haywire when things don't go right.

There's a couple of things in the survivor's story that don't add up well. It's a strange one for sure.
Kenetrek Boots

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