Mulie Pics & Negativity

Spot on. I've managed to eke out what I consider quality hunts once or twice a year for the last 11 years and the most points I've burned on a tag is 3. Most have been OTC, 0 point draws or leftovers.
Nice mulie pics too, thanks for posting them.
Awesome post, love the pics! And you are 100% right. I'd be out there in a heartbeat, but I'm one of the people you spoke of that can't least not right now. My mom and dad would probably be in the moving van right behind ours. My wifes parents are a different story. I have young boys that adore them, so until my boys get older, I don't think a move is gonna happen. I'm gonna push for college in Montana/Colorado/New Mexico/Wyoming :D and get them involved in western hunting early on. You are correct in that you have to deal with the hand dealt. That's my hand, I'll deal with it until the time is right. But I'll never go a year without hunting the west again.
Love the conversation and pics. Negativity will always exist. I don't think it's a generational thing it's an attitude thing. This coming from a "fringe millenial." 35 years old. I love reading all theses post. Wish I had more time. Here are is a buck that made it through all the general season hunts in Utah. The hillside out my back yard. Hopefully the winter too.20181213_164018.jpg20181213_164027.jpg
The camper and car keeps the predators away
Great pics! And I couldn't agree more about people bitching. Especially about point systems.

This buck taunted us all hunting season 1/2 mile from home inside city limits.... not often you see a legit 30"er free as ya please.

Randy, Buzz, doubt you'll see this but about 8 years ago or so I went through exactly what both of you did recently. While I don't have your name recognition, I absolutely understand what can happen when a prick has a axe to grind and enough personal info to make it sporty. Sucks a lot of things. I'll keep it family friendly.
Excellent truths spoken here Buschy!

I don't have any muley pics to share at the moment...but 2019 is going to be a great year. We may have some great tags, or some OTC tags, probably some of both....

The best part is that for the first time in 5 years I'll be hunting with my oldest son again. He's been deployed or away for the last 5. His enlistment in the USMC is up in early October and he'll be hunting in 2 or 3 different states to make up for lost time!
Excellent truths spoken here Buschy!

I don't have any muley pics to share at the moment...but 2019 is going to be a great year. We may have some great tags, or some OTC tags, probably some of both....

The best part is that for the first time in 5 years I'll be hunting with my oldest son again. He's been deployed or away for the last 5. His enlistment in the USMC is up in early October and he'll be hunting in 2 or 3 different states to make up for lost time!

Last year was a pretty amazing year at your house! I am looking forward to seeing what this year looks like.

I am very happy to here your son is going to be back and hunting with you. Take care and share pics this fall.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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