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Mule Deer Advice! MT


New member
Sep 30, 2020
Hey everyone,

I have a doe tag and a buck mule deer tag in montana this year and it is my first year ever going hunting and ever trying to take a animal! Im extremely excited and am getting everything I need ready. My question is do you have any advice for a first time hunter that will be going alone most of the time? I will be using an older Lee Enfield and probably going on day hunts or single night hunts. Anything helps! Wish me luck!
Get of off the road and don't walk too fast or much. As in spend a lot of time on your butt with a good pare of binoculars.
Behind every tree and sage. Big bucks too, make sure you hold out for one over thirty wide and massive.
One is good advice, the other is pure satire. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out the one to ignore.
Be prepared to cover some ground with your vehicle moving to different areas to find the deer. Binocs and spotting scope are your friend. I hunted SE MT last fall and was limited by muddy roads but finally got into good numbers of deer on day 5. After passing up a few small muleys and whitetails, on day 6 I killed a 144" 5x6 whitetail on BLM land. I was hoping for a mule deer but couldn't pass up a mature bruiser whitetail like that. The pack out was rough but worth it.
Landowners will be happy in most cases to let you take a doe off the haystack and the much will be a challenge if your looking for the poster buck. Radar sums it up like always hike, glass, have a great time!

Don't listen to 8dinksandcounting....... probably better advice than any😁
Be prepared to cover some ground with your vehicle moving to different areas to find the deer. Binocs and spotting scope are your friend. I hunted SE MT last fall and was limited by muddy roads but finally got into good numbers of deer on day 5. After passing up a few small muleys and whitetails, on day 6 I killed a 144" 5x6 whitetail on BLM land. I was hoping for a mule deer but couldn't pass up a mature bruiser whitetail like that. The pack out was rough but worth it.
This is the guy who's shooting straight talk. You can often spot them from the road and do a stalk. Stay off the roads if it gets muddy. A good wind can dry things up in a couple of hours. Once you get to know a piece of land working it on foot can be productive. I have shot three nice bucks the last three years on two adjoining pieces of block management property. All found while hiking. First frosty morning hunting in November last year I saw 23 deer while hiking one coulee network, all in the span of less than three hours.

And for crying out loud do NOT shoot a doe down in the bottom of a coulee. If that's what you want one will eventually jump in the back of your truck on the road and it won't take long either.
Go slow and have fun there are deer everywhere just get back always for the nicer bucks. I had no problem finding does today I counted 26 on a four mile romp in the wood.
Landowners will be happy in most cases to let you take a doe off the haystack and the much will be a challenge if your looking for the poster buck. Radar sums it up like always hike, glass, have a great time!

Don't listen to 8dinksandcounting....... probably better advice than any😁
No no no . The best advice is fill the freezer !!! Buy 6-7 b tags And get in on doe hunting while the getting is good !!!!
I know I will ! Heck just for you jonAss I might take a doe on my A tag too! will save a dink atleast , someone from IPA’ville can have him !!!
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