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MT Trespass Laws Seriously Altered Today

Thank you guys, and yes Rob, things did come together nicely for us.

Interestingly, Rep. Staffanson sent another email today. He did not answer my question about trespassing - "Are you advocating intentional trespassing on another's property just because they don't have orange paint?

I work to prevent trespassing by anyone, including other landowners or even Montana legislators who don't respect other property owners by failure to obtain their permission and poach Montana's deer."

All he replied was, "Do ducks fly over ?" I am surprised it didn't come in at 3 am.

I just wanted to share with y'all that some who have been emailing and calling about sending in comments to the House on HB 231, a number stated that they were Republicans not wanting to see this law changed in that regard. I didn't view this as a partisan thing, am glad that the majority of the House members didn't either.
Is there a copy of the version that passed the house? I believe it addressed Staffanson's whine about trespassing on residential property. How old is that guy? I see Galt also voted against it.

A criminal trespass ticket is a big deal that stays on your record for life. We deserve some fair warning that we might get one.

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Rob, I checked earlier and it was still the old version. I just called the staffer and they said they had been working on that new amendment she threw out after our amendment to restore the text. She thinks it just hasn't been updated on the site yet. I was waiting yesterday for a fiscal note on HB 315 (groan) to be made available and it didn't get posted until this morning. It might be available after 5 pm.
I'm still laughing at the Magpie reference. Don't know if that was by design or not but I would like to believe it was :)
So I'm itch'n to know what you accomplished in the time it took to kill this thing ;)

Let's see, a day job that's takes up a lot of time, president of the oldest hook and bullet group in the state, a hobby/business in evenings and a couple other things I like to do in my spare time.

Killed it? You honestly think with those admendments this thing had a chance?
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I'm still laughing at the Magpie reference. Don't know if that was by design or not but I would like to believe it was :)

If Rep. Staffanson is a yard "hunter", he is SOL in my yard, orange paint or not, because the only wildlife here are magpies, which I truly love. My magpies are very protective of their turf, keep cats and squirrels away. Should Staffanson show up with his gun, it might turn into a scene from Hitchcock's The Birds. And seeing how magpies are the smartest of the corvids and corvids remember faces, especially faces of their aggressors, it might not be a good idea to threaten my magpies. ;)


Maybe I should get an orange sign to help him out.

Rep. Webb opened her bill statement with apologizing to the members for the thousands of emails they received on this issue.

The amendment, adding back in the struck orange paint and signage requirements, passed the House 90 aye votes. HB 231 passed 63 to 37.

Webb did add at the end, that she gave permission for Knudsen's amendment.

Thank you to those of you that contributed to the "1000s" of emails and phone calls, quickly opposing the gutting of the trespassing laws on short notice.

Pretty cool to hear/read acknowledgement over the efforts of thousands. Pretty amazing Kat! Grats to you for your determination. Inspiring.
When the landowner bought the land it was x acres more or less I am on the less part.why should hunters not be able to walk across someones land but hikers,birders,bikers can go wherever they want?

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