MT Senator race: Public Lands

In a past podcast I gave an open invitation to any national candidate who wanted to be on the Hunt Talk podcast to talk about public lands, policy, and politics that affect hunters that visit this site and follow our platforms. Only one taker to that invite, Senator Tester. This morning he has about a half hour to talk public lands, hunting, and conservation, so I think we can fit him in a window of our normal two-hour gig. Might create some editing challenges, but we'll make it work.

I gave a lost of topics that will be applicable to any candidate that will be running for national office, no matter what state the person lives in. Before/after his interview, we will talk about how media platforms need to get on the stick with these issues and start using the platforms to advocate for the cause.

Offer still stands for Rosendale, but radio silence from his camp.

So cool. I hope more candidates from more offices in more states take you up on the offer. I honestly couldn't less about gear and how to, but conservation politics I never bore of. It's always evolving and the stakes are high.
I don't disagree under current calculus, but two other forces are at work - the progressives may need public land hunters in 2018 in MT and some other rural states to help make them "purple", but they are counting on immigration, continued movement of folks from CA and WA into western states, increasing women influence in politics and age demographics to help switch balance in rural states in 20 years - if that happens, will be easy to say goodbye to the hunters. A second item to watch is that big democrat money is starting to demand more "compliance" with progressive standards nationwide and big costal contributors are pushing the party to stop trying to meet rural moderates half way - too early to tell how this plays out. (warning - opinion)

Good post.

I don't see that dynamic changing. We've had blue dog democrats for how long now? Manchin, Heitkamp, Mcaskill & Tester are the latest crop and from more westerly states (except Manchin). Heitkamp is likely gone, unfortunately. Manchin moves farther right each year, it seems. I see a lot of in-migration from folks to the interior, but it's not a monolithic block of democrats or republicans. Regardless, I think hunters will stick with people who support their lifestyle & beliefs, regardless of party. There are a lot of moderate Republicans who we work with in the legislature, but they're the minority in their party. They have to work with Dems to get a majority vote for good policy. Give me a good split of moderates from either party, and I'll show you how solid conservation work gets done.
So at this point, is it just a question of whether a leopard can change its spots? Rosendale has walked back his statements, and is now touting on his campaign literature that he's for the protection of public lands, and not the transfer.
Rosendale just trotted our convicted poacher & Cali resident Troy Downing as someone people should listen too on whom to vote for.

Rosendale's actions on public lands during his legislative career & his land board career show us that he has no real dedication to public land hunting. His "hunting" photo is him in a super clean carhartt with a mule deer buck on the back of his super-clean ATV. The guy is a dude in most senses of the word. He may kill some private land bucks now and again, but his record on sportsmen's issues is an F-.

He's not disavowed transfer. He says he doesn't support it now, because people don't like it. One poll that shows support for transfer and his spots would very quickly return. His activities on the land board show that he's a micro-manager who wants to control the FWP agency rather than listen and support hunters & anglers.
Rosendale, the "recent convert" to public lands has Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) coming to Montana to campaign for him this weekend.

Yeah, the same Senator Mike Lee who in July announced that Federal lands need to be disposed of and that he intended to use his Senate power and connections to accomplish such.

Seems Rosendale is all in on the "Utah Doctrine." Even has Lee doing campaign ads for him, which surely will come with a price to be paid if Rosendale were to win.

Lee+Rosendale campaign ad below.

One would think Rosendale's Campaign manager would have chosen one of many others to press a final week endorsement.
At 1205 today "president" Chump flew directly over my head as I was running my dogs. We were on a piece of public land - a type of which the LWCF program is responsible for.
He landed a few miles away, to air a personal grievance against Tester under the guise of stumping for the other chump - Rosendale (and probably his other flunkie Gianforte).
This is, I think the fourth, taxpayer funded trip on board AF1 to Montana for Trump's personal petty agenda.
The best thing about the whole deal, as his plane passed over, my older dog took a big dump - I'm still laughin'. Can't make this stuff up.
Of course could be fake news. How would anyone know - or care.......
Just an observation from the field, brought to you by another Montana Lib Tard.
Heading out to an isolated gigantic piece of Public Land to hunt deer for a week. Don't have a smart phone and not much radio reception at all out there:D
At 1205 today "president" Chump flew directly over my head as I was running my dogs. We were on a piece of public land - a type of which the LWCF program is responsible for.
He landed a few miles away, to air a personal grievance against Tester under the guise of stumping for the other chump - Rosendale (and probably his other flunkie Gianforte).
This is, I think the fourth, taxpayer funded trip on board AF1 to Montana for Trump's personal petty agenda.
The best thing about the whole deal, as his plane passed over, my older dog took a big dump - I'm still laughin'. Can't make this stuff up.
Of course could be fake news. How would anyone know - or care.......
Just an observation from the field, brought to you by another Montana Lib Tard.
Heading out to an isolated gigantic piece of Public Land to hunt deer for a week. Don't have a smart phone and not much radio reception at all out there:D

TDS. Bad case of it. Seek help immediately. :D
For those of you who like Tester because of his public lands stance, and you like your 2nd amendment rights, and your tax cut, and the job market, and don't like the current immigration mess, please consider this. You have a better chance of changing Rosendale's mind about public lands than changing Tester's on a whole host of liberal stances not usually supported by sportsmen.
For those of you who like Tester because of his public lands stance, and you like your 2nd amendment rights, and your tax cut, and the job market, and don't like the current immigration mess, please consider this. You have a better chance of changing Rosendale's mind about public lands than changing Tester's on a whole host of liberal stances not usually supported by sportsmen.

Absolutely no way. I like my chances with gun rights protected my the 2nd. Public lands protected by nothing and Rosendale willing to sell them off.

We went through 8 years of the NRA fear mongering that Obama was coming to ours guns, mine in my safe actually multiplied. Public lands are protected by nothing .

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