MT Senator race: Public Lands

Were you paying attention to his actions on the land board and the The Horse Creek easement?

Or Keogh, or...

The actions of Rosendale & his team on Horse Creek were not only ant-sportsmen, but they were anti-landowner as well. Forcing language that is tied to statute into a conservation easement means that the landowners - in perpetuity - will have to remain in a situation where they cannot force a negotiation for surface use agreements regardless of future changes of the law. In the case of Horse Creek - they gave industry a major gift by insisting on putting that language in there.
Having been one to habitually take part in these "yet no minds were changed" topics, I fully understand the compulsion to chime in. Anymore, at age 55, I am losing interest in hoping anything I say or do can/will sway another's view - especially a political one. And I am quickly losing my ability to care.
I initially joined this forum because of the phrase "Hunttalk is a forum for on your own hunters. Hunters who prefer to hunt without guides on public lands". That's still about the only reason I even watch this site anymore. I am a DIY PUBLIC Land Hunter who gives a shit about it. I am continually - but less and less all the time - fascinated by people who come on here and actually spout crap that is counter to the public lands interests this site seems to be all about.
But screw 'em. I will unashamedly vote for the likes of Tester and Kathleen Williams, because realistically or not, I believe people like them will better address and attempt to take care of the issues I care about.
If the "Sytes" of the world want to vote for the Rosendales who claim to want to protect us podunk Montanans from dreaded sanctuary cities and the erosion of our constitutionally protected rights, give most of us $13 more in our paychecks, and claim that the most important part of the Public Lands issue is "access to them for all" - knock yourself out. We are where we are politically - I wish us all luck...
I think these pics depict some of the only stuff that actually draws us "like minded individuals" (as Randy once described this site to me) to an internet place like this. Hope all have a good upcoming hunting season, even if I think you are "misinformed" (attempting to keep it civil).
All pics were taken on PUBLIC LANDS. Thanks to all who actually put work into keeping this PRIVILEGE for all of us.
/\ /\ Nice work and well said. Someday, somewhere I will buy the beer.
When Tester gets re elected all of us that aren’t that fond of him should take a moment to acknowledge how extreme Rosemdale is and that it didn’t have to be that way.
We could have had Russ Fagg

Rosendale is Hillary Clinton: repulsive, unlikeable amd unelectable. Screeching voice and all.
Onpoint... sure... Many read though do not post. Those who post are typically already decided, such as your Democrat friend Tony... for the most part though occasionally we do pick up a thing or two here and there.
Going to personally attack the person again? Question whether I hunt or fish? question who I voted for in the past?

You think a republican would have voted for clueless Quist? I did (As an Independent)... took a pic of the ballot as well... guess why? Public Lands. Want to question me further? Take it to PM's unless you need more of your brethren to pat you on the back.. heh!

So I am anti - from the great onpoint when I may vote in opposition to your partisan ways yet...

Clueless musician - Democrat puppet vs deceptive, arrogant, public land thief.


Cheers Onpoint... you are a bit Off point, yet again...
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Onpoint... sure... Many read though do not post. Those who post are typically already decided, such as your Democrat friend Tony

You know nothing about me Charles so I will ask you to keep me out of your stupidity. I have been involved in public land and wildlife issues in Montana long before you jumped on the bandwagon.
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You know nothing about me Charles so I will ask you to keep me out of your stupidity. I have been involved in public land and wildlife issues in Montana long before you jumped on the bandwagon.

And you know my public lands stance and wildlife preservation / hunting history how, Tony? You questioning my background just as much as I commented about you as a Democrat? Am I wrong? Nice try.
Never seen you in Helena Charles, not once at the legislature, not once at a FWP meeting, not once at a commission meeting. Maybe I missed the day you were there but I doubt it.

I never mentioned your name in any post but I agree with what Tim said so before you label me anything you best educate yourself. Guys like Tim did the heavy lifting that many enjoy now. The man deserves respect.

Carry on.
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Best to you, Tony. I am glad you fight to preserve public lands...
The rest edited... Off topic. I have, as shown in the prior post, that I vote as an Independent. most times with the D's in MT, be it Governors or Tester, himself... even Clueless Quist (great music, btw)
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Having been one to habitually take part in these "yet no minds were changed" topics, I fully understand the compulsion to chime in. Anymore, at age 55, I am losing interest in hoping anything I say or do can/will sway another's view - especially a political one. And I am quickly losing my ability to care......

Very much appreciate this post.
When Tester gets re elected all of us that aren’t that fond of him should take a moment to acknowledge how extreme Rosemdale is and that it didn’t have to be that way.
We could have had Russ Fagg
The only groups I see working the primaries are the dark money folks and that’s how we get these guys.
The only groups I see working the primaries are the dark money folks and that’s how we get these guys.

I think this is true. Most of the money in the primary was behind Rosendale. Who do you think he will work for if he gets to Washington? It won't be for ordinary folks like us.

I agree with what others have said above. I vote on actions not promises. Rosendale has not shown one instance where he was pro public land.
The only groups I see working the primaries are the dark money folks and that’s how we get these guys.

Nailed it. These rosendale ads are all put out by national super pacs.

It's kind of wild to me that so many people see Tester as a too far left. He seems pretty solidly in the center from what I've seen.
Sytes, could you provide one example of Rosendale being halfway decent on public lands before his Senate campaign started?
Sytes, could you provide one example of Rosendale being halfway decent on public lands before his Senate campaign started?


I know you sought one though figured I would placed a few "halfway decent" moves for public land within his Land Board capacity.

00:21:48 Commissioner Rosendale moved to approve item 0517-6. The motion was seconded by Attorney General Fox.
This acquisition would create a large block of 1,821± acres of Trust land which would be accessible at multiple points by three different county roads. The property supports antelope, deer and upland game bird hunting opportunities, as well as hiking and bird watching.
01:20:32 Secretary Stapleton moved to approve item 0817-6. The motion was seconded by Attorney General Fox and carried unanimously.
The property supports antelope, deer and upland game bird hunting opportunities, as well as hiking and bird watching.
02:20:06 Attorney General Fox moved to approve item 0218-4. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rosendale.
The proposed acquisition would also provide access to two previously inaccessible parcels of State Trust lands totaling 1,280 acres. These previously inaccessible tracts along with another accessible State Trust Land parcel would create a 25,869± acre block of legally accessible trust land, accessible by two county roads and Highway 59. The property supports antelope, deer, waterfowl and upland game bird hunting opportunities, as well as hiking and bird watching.
Before his Senate campaign started. He’s been running for Senator since the second he stepped foot in the Auditors office.

He was a legislator for over 8 years. If he’s as moderate as you say that should be no problem.
Before his Senate campaign started. He’s been running for Senator since the second he stepped foot in the Auditors office.

He was a legislator for over 8 years. If he’s as moderate as you say that should be no problem.


Do politicians adjust their stance to adapt to their constituent base? Examples abound... From Tester to well, any and likely every politician.
These examples over the past few years shared in the prior post match that same setting, unless you are holding the Republican to a different standard than Democrats?

From the article shared in the OP.
Saying Rosendale “pushed to transfer our public lands, knowing our state would have to sell them off.”: Four years ago, Rosendale expressed support for the movement to transfer management of federal lands to the states, arguing that states could better manage the lands and create jobs, by allowing more logging and mining.

The ads fail to mention that Rosendale has since abandoned that stance, saying he no longer supports the idea because he’s come to realize that most Montanans don’t support it.
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