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MT Senator race: Public Lands

The NYT projects Tester wins by 2.9% with an 86% probability. Only 44% and 47% of Missoula and Gallatin precincts are reporting.
Only time will tell.
I try not to let personalities grind on me, but when she speaks (whines), my blood pressure rises twenty points from the irritation.

Get her on the podcast. I’d love to hear her articulate her party’s outlook and advocacy for public lands, particularly as they pertain to the rights, privileges and interests of hunters.
Get her on, and I’ll pay your copay for the Xanax you’ll need.
Congrats on Tester's win fellas, and just think, if you like your state auditor you can keep your state auditor.
Edit opportunity has a time limit. ;)

I pointed out earlier that Tester would have easily won if he voted for Kavanaugh. Instead it took a lot of Bloombergs cash to drag him over the finish line. Chuck is still the Senate minority leader so no problems here with how the election played out.
Edit: didn't hit the quote button like I thought, I'm just curious for BigHornRam's perspective on this.

The idea that some one is proud that their ancestor took a risk and moved some place new. But wants people who themselves took a risk and moved some place new to feel bad about it has always confused me.

How is something more impressive as it is diffused by time and relation? Don't get me wrong, frustration with change, growing pains all valid gripes. But within the context of being proud of something you had no control over vs being proud of something you actually made happen yourself....I always try to hang my hat on my own accomplishments and not those of my great great great gran pappy, who if were being honest, I didn't know that well.

Full disclosure, I don't live where I was born so my opinion is certainly skewed. I also came from a large state where you would get funny looks if you acted like being born there was some sort of personal accomplishment. If I had bragged about how many generations my family had lived there, I probably would have had someone ask if i wanted a cookie or a sticker.
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