Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

MT Road Kill Bill

This bill needs amended to read something on the lines that the animal possessed has to be reported and presented to a department personal within 24 hrs.

That way any poached then staged road kills can be looked over.

This bill in it's original form is a poachers dream.

Our's over here is essentially self reporting online, but does generate a report for the department. For those without internet access they can get the needed permit from a department officer or sometimes from local law enforcement. It does seem qiute a few of the road kills are reportable accidents and some type of law enforcement does respond to the scene.

You are right though that it does present an avenue to cover an illegal animal
I was told average of $135 fine. It doesn't have the teeth that a statutory law does. That's what I was told anyway.

We will live with controlling it as much as possible.

It doesn't carry the mandatory additions that some other statutes do, like a mandatory revocation period or restitution. They are both still misdemeanor crimes though, and a judge can choose to impose a revocation of hunting/fishing privileges, jail time, community service, etc. Real world though, it doesn't happen very often.
It doesn't carry the mandatory additions that some other statutes do, like a mandatory revocation period or restitution. They are both still misdemeanor crimes though, and a judge can choose to impose a revocation of hunting/fishing privileges, jail time, community service, etc. Real world though, it doesn't happen very often.

Your comments are right in line with what I was told. Thanks!
Will this bill allow you "dispatch/put down" a crippled animal legally after a vehicle incident?
I see the good/bad of allowing that but I have a hard time walking away from something that is suffering. I know it is illegal as hell now.

I travel a lot and I can't tell you how many times in last 20 years I have come across a vehicle pulled over with a crippled animal in ditch or road. You just gotta leave the 357 alone and call for someone and hopefully they come. The only good news is phone coverage has improved a lot over the years.
Hmmm, bison aren't on the list of salvageable animals. Brenden must feel snubbed.