Man this is a crappy way to spend 20 years of drawings with 15 preference points! I've hunted 20 days now and finally saw my first moose, a cow and calf on day #19! No bull with them of course! I do know that a USFS employee with a moose tag heard that there was a bull hanging in a cut that was still being worked in, and shot him right on their landing! Unfortunately I'm pretty sure it was the bull I was trying to get in to a call in a little swamp just down drainage from where he got shot! That figures. I've talked to a lot of local people and I haven't found one single person that can remember seeing a moose in Unit #104 in years. The place is a dead zone. Very few deer, almost no elk , and very few moose. In 20 days of hunting I never even heard one single elk bugle! I did get to watch a family of five Otters eat the heck out of nice sized trout in Bull Lake one evening. That was cool. They catch fish so fast I couldn't believe it. I'm trying really hard to remember that I hunt because it's fun. This hasn't been very much fun to be honest. I can only hemorrhage vacation time and money for fuel for so long. I have talked to the head biologist for FWP in the Troy area twice and she seems nice. She just keeps saying that it's just so thick and the moose are hard to find. To be honest everyone I've talked to as well as myself just can't understand why there is even one tag in this unit. Luckily there seems to be a pretty good amount of timber sales in the area right now, so that bodes well for the future, but for me and the other tag holders this year that probably won't be much help, although after I heard about the one bull, I checked a new cut that I know was cut this summer and low and behold there was a good fresh moose track coming and going into the area on that new road! Maybe I need to be checking every new cut that I can find. I ain't gonna quit, but I have to get back to work some too. Here's some pics of the moose and stuff. Whatever you do don't put Unit #104 on your choice for moose next year!!!