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MT hunter accused of shooting bison on private property

Guys like that are the exact reason why controversial hunts will be closed down.

That idiot single handedly proves why I cant and wont "defend all hunters".

Where to even start on that botched sorry-assed excuse of a hunt...and even sorrier assed "hunter".

First off who takes 2 rifles? Thats pretty much telling me the guy isnt real confident in his abilities.

Second, I bet that guys hunters safety instructor is real proud. He leans rifle number 2 on a rickety old fence...thats real safe.

Third, those bison werent going anywhere and they looked to be real close. How about take your time and take a high-shoulder or spine shot? Maybe instead of 2 rifles he should have taken one sighted in rifle and a set of shooting sticks, a backpack, etc. for a proper rest. Take your time and dump that bull with ONE shot.

Fourth. Once that bull went over the fence, he should have just quit shooting. I would hope he realized he'd hit that bison. Hopefully at 50 yards a guy could plant the first shot in something vital. Knowing that, he could have let the damn thing croak and immediately call the MTFWP. Odds are 90% that with a warden there to smooth things over, he could have legally retrieved his bison. The very worst that could happen is the guy wouldnt be allowed to retrieve the bull even with a warden (although highly unlikely). At least you wouldnt be in violation of trespassing and you'd have LEGALLY done all you could to retrieve your animal.

Bottom line is the "hunter" in the video screwed up big-time on several things. He deserves a ticket and the dumbass award of the year...along with a remedial hunter safety course.

The only unfortunate thing is this tool wont lose his hunting license for a few years...which would give him some time to think about how stupid he really is.

I'd join PETA before I supported that moron.
Buzz easier way to say what you said is this. Stupid is as Stupid does. Idiots like that are what gives the anti's all their ammo.
WH, see the video? The link is available in post #12. I assumed you watched it prior to your post #13.

No I hadn't seen the video, but watched it last night. The video proves beyond a doubt the stupidity of that "hunter." That close to a property line, especially with the anti's watching him, he should have been much more prepared to make a killing FIRST shot. But hey, like I said, he's a Montanan, so what do you expect? :D

Seriously, maybe there should be some kind of test before a guy can apply for that hunt, especially a shooting proficiency test. And, maybe a minimum caliber required too. Wonder what that guy was shooting? Maybe a 25/06 with a 270 as his back up gun? :rolleyes:
I know in the late 80's/early 90's there was a minimum caliber requirement of .30 for the buffalo hunts around Yellowstone, anyone know if that same requirement is currently in effect for this latest round of hunting? I know that they don't allow them to be hunted with archery gear, which is unfortunate as a well placed arrow in this case would have put that buffalo on the ground quicker than this rifle hunter did.
I'm On the Fence with this one. Although I agree with what some say to a Point. I would have NO Problem Laying down a Buffalo, a Deer, Elk or a Rabbit 1" inside a Fence. There are Rules and laws, there is a LINE or FENCE that says it's the Boundry. If it's 1" inside shoot it. If the law states you need to be 10' from the line or 5 miles then it's a different story.

What I did find odd is the 2 rifle thing ? I have packed a Shotgun and a Rifle in case I got into birds in an area but never 2 rifles. I could see a Bow and a Rifle too. (Yes I mean in the Rifle season not Bow only season you putz's"). but 2 rifles ?

It did seem that they weren't going anywere and he was Dang close. If they got spooked as he closed the Gap he should have stopped and taken his time and heck, even rested on a Fence post to kill the Buff. :)

Giving him a Bad time for not killing it in one shot is Harsh though. Anyone thats hunted can think back at a time when they had to shoot more then once to down an Animal. If you haven't, then "A" You're a Liar, or "B" Are jsut starting out in hunting and have been LUCKY thus far.

As far as the Last "KILLING" shot, I didn't know you couldn't do that. I'm guessing I would have been in the Same boat!?!? I don't hunt around Private property and don't know the Private Property rules. I would have thought it better to kill the animal after you hit it. Looking back and knowing the Rules it Only makes sense to have that rule.

Anywyas, Saying you'd Join PETA before supporting that Hunter is a Little LOOPY BUZZ. I know you were making a Point but GEEEESH !!!!! KFC all the way !!! ;)
As far as the Last "KILLING" shot, I didn't know you couldn't do that. I'm guessing I would have been in the Same boat!?!?
I doubt it. If you ever draw the tag there is a manditory training course and they are very specific about the do's and don't's when hunting around private and YNP boundaries. There should have been no question that this guy knew he fugged up when he pulled the trigger on a bison on private, posted land.

This guy had to know he was under the microscope and it is unfortunate he is the representative for us as hunters to the non-hunting public.
is there any info available about how many times he hit the animal? Did the "hunter" admit to shooting over the fence?
there were four shots.... there needs to be four holes in the animal to prove he shot over the property line on the fourth shot....as Johnny Cochran would say "if a bullet doesnt hit you must acquit".

I disagree. When you hunt real close to a property boundary you better make damn well sure you can put an animal down with one shot. If you cant, you better not shoot and wait for another day. If you're hunting in an area a long way from a boundary, go ahead and turn that bison into swiss cheese.

I'm not joking about the PETA comment. I cant and wont support idiots like that...I'd agree with the anti's that his actions are irresponsible, careless, and damaging to hunting...I'd throw him under the bus in a second.

If he would have acted in a rational manner, took his time at 50 yards and killed that bison with ONE shot, like he should have...no problem. But, that didnt happen and now theres a video on the web of a "hunter" showing a blatant disregard for hunting ethics, hunting safety, and private property rights. Whether you like it or not...just like Miller stated...because you and I hunt...we are exactly like that guy in the eyes of anti-hunters and non-hunters.

I refuse to be lumped in with an idiot like that. I have a higher regard for hunting ethics, property rights, and hunting safety.

Thats all there is to it.
Another problem with the Bison hunt.

FWP reports waste in tribal buffalo kills
Of The Gazette Staff

Three cases of wasted game have been documented near Gardiner by state wardens
after buffalo kills by Nez Perce tribal members.

Since the American Indian hunters are not governed by state law, all the state
can do is document the cases and pass them on to tribal law enforcement.

"We had some instances of waste, but that's waste by Montana's definition,"
said Mel Frost, information officer for Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Bozeman.
"We're working with two different sets of regulations. The Nez Perce have
their own regulations."

Under Montana law, hunters are required to use the four quarters above the
hock, the loin and backstrap. Frost said wardens made case reports and sent
them to the Nez Perce Tribal Council and asked it to look into the incidents.
Members of the tribal council could not be reached for comment.

As far as Frost knows, the tribe has taken six bison under its treaty rights,
three on Jan. 13, one on Jan. 18 and two on Monday. Neither tribal hunters nor
those licensed through the state are required to report when and where they
kill bison.

Last year, the Nez Perce Tribe began exercising its 1855 treaty rights to hunt
bison in Montana on "open and unclaimed lands" - essentially federal lands
outside Yellowstone National Park. But this year the tribe wrote a letter to
Fish, Wildlife and Parks notifying the department that it planned to kill 50
to 70 bison and take 50 other game animals, including elk, moose, antelope,
bighorn sheep and mountain goats.

Concerned about the direction the tribe was taking, especially given that the
harvest of species such as mountain goats and bighorn sheep are minimal and
closely regulated, FWP Director Jeff Hagener and other Montana representatives
met with the tribal council Jan. 18.

Hagener said Council Chairman Rebecca Miles assured the Montana group that the
letter wasn't meant to scare them and that the council was concerned about the
management of species. Other council members, however, asserted their right to
hunt the animals under treaty guarantees.

Hagener said he brought up the issue of game waste with the council.

"From what we understood, their regulations require them to not waste game,"
he said. "(Miles) said they were very strict about that, and that it was not
only a violation of codes, but dishonors the bison."

Hagener said he requested some type of confirmation that the violations had
been handled.

Although the Nez Perce Tribe's exercising of its treaty rights has thrown a
wrench in FWP's carefully crafted bison hunt, things could be more complicated
next season. The Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribe in northwest Montana has
bison hunting rights that it plans to exercise next year.

"It's a situation we haven't dealt with before," Hagener said. "If both tribal
groups want to hunt, we need to sort out a different system to avoid
competition. If each segment is doing their own thing, we will run into
I didn't read that whole thing... But If they did indeed waste game, they should get Hammered. I'm going to get called a Native American Hater again but if you're gonig to shoot something for Food out of season, Make sure you use it for food !!!!
not smart, but ones livelyhood is pretty important, consider if your carpentry tools for your construction business or trucks for your truck business were in danger of being destroyed by some disease.....what would you do....
Did anyone ever consider that maybe peta hired this fugger to film a (slob) hunter in action? To me this would be the perfect scenario for them for a set up hunt. If I thought the way they do I think this to be the holy grail of publicity. Maybe we should get moose to dress with his save the whales shirt on and stage him hurrassing ethical hunters by peeing on their 4 wheelers. Kind of far fetched, but not impossible, Sorry to use you for an example moose because ive not personally met you but it is your site.
not smart, but ones livelyhood is pretty important, consider if your carpentry tools for your construction business or trucks for your truck business were in danger of being destroyed by some disease.....what would you do....

What are you fishing for here?
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