MT Draw Week

Well no permits for me but I'll be hunting elk on the hardest to draw permit in the state with Mrs. Lion. She is very excited.
The epic, game changer, next level, hardcore, extreme, conservation building hunt, for the good of all sportsman and children is now online for viewing:


Totally makes you want to go out and buy some:
Does anyone have anything in their "Tooth and Age Data" tab? I sent the little kit into FWP when I killed my moose, but nothing ever showed up there.
The epic, game changer, next level, hardcore, extreme, conservation building hunt, for the good of all sportsman and children is now online for viewing:


Totally makes you want to go out and buy some:

Guess he was out from the truck.
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My Dad pulled a LE Rifle tag. Which especially sweet this year because he had some medical issues last fall. Looking like he gets another stab at a bull, provided we can work up some shooting positions with his new handicap. Looks like it'll be a busy summer for me - in a good way. It'll still be a tough hunt, especially for my brother and I - but I'm super stoked that he has a tag and something to work towards. Nothing can light a fire in someone like a LE elk tag.

Congrats to those who drew and for those of us that got 1 more point.
My Dad pulled a LE Rifle tag. Which especially sweet this year because he had some medical issues last fall. Looking like he gets another stab at a bull, provided we can work up some shooting positions with his new handicap. Looks like it'll be a busy summer for me - in a good way. It'll still be a tough hunt, especially for my brother and I - but I'm super stoked that he has a tag and something to work towards. Nothing can light a fire in someone like a LE elk tag.

Congrats to those who drew and for those of us that got 1 more point.

Congrats to you and your brother for having the opportunity to help your dad harvest a bull. I've been fortunate enough to now share a couple LE permits with my dad and have fond memories. This year we were lucky enough and drew a challenging elk permit and will each have the opportunity to harvest our first bull. I don't know how many more years we'll get this opportunity together so needless to say we are excited! Good luck to all!
Holy smokes. I don't ever recall a year where so many Hunt Talk folks drew so many Montana permits for great deer and elk hunts. Gonna be some fun stories and pics getting posted here this season.
It does seem like a lot . Just sad I'm not one of them oh well still got the gen big game combo
Nothing but more points for me again.

Looking through the posts, If you take away the 900 and unlimited tags, it doesn't seem like that many guys drew premium type tags this year. Especially for Mule Deer; couple tough to get tags for a few here, but less than a handful.

Good luck to the fortunate few who drew really good tags, we will all live vicariously through you.