MT DIY Elk Backpacking Success

Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate it!!

Hardscrabble, I've used the Easton Kilo 3P alot the past two seasons and absolutely love it. Super light and durable. Performs great in rain, snow, and wind. The 3P is perfect for one guy and enough room for your gear and boots. PM me if you have any other questions!
Wow; awesome pics, story and hunt. What an adventure. Something that you will never forget. Thanks for inspiring.
Great hunt!
Loved the story and pics!
Hunting has the ultimate highs and lows; that is why so many of us love it. Hunting is a drug in that way!
Heckuva story and the flatlander in me (that's everything from the knees up) thinks it looks like it was pretty cold out there but warmed up in a hurry when you got that bull down. Nice job - thanks for taking us along on your hunt.
Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate it!!

Hardscrabble, I've used the Easton Kilo 3P alot the past two seasons and absolutely love it. Super light and durable. Performs great in rain, snow, and wind. The 3P is perfect for one guy and enough room for your gear and boots. PM me if you have any other questions!

Thanks for the feedback! Now just need to put one on order. I see that Easton renamed it to Kenetic now.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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