MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

My thoughts exactly. And a slap in the face to all of you guys that brought Bitterroot mule deer back. mtmuley
I’m not familiar with the bitterroot but looks like limited permits or three week seasons. More restrictive than the rest of the state, wish it was like that everywhere. I’m sure I’m missing something.
I notice a lot of things that make me wonder. Like this below. Emphasis is mine.

"Based on recent sales, a surplus of 007-00 licenses is likely. When this occurs, it would allow hunters to purchase additional white-tailed deer B licenses. Landowners have flexibility to manage deer within their individual preference - if landowners desire to reduce deer on their land, hunters with valid licenses should be available; conversely, if landowners do not have adequate deer numbers, they have the option to limit harvest.
I’m not familiar with the bitterroot but looks like limited permits or three week seasons. More restrictive than the rest of the state, wish it was like that everywhere. I’m sure I’m missing something.
I read it the same and thought “eliminating the rut hunt would be great for those units!” What are you and I missing?
Before some of us raise concerns, why is it "great for units over there"? mtmuley
It would be worse for units over here. We would get pounded the last two weeks by even more people than we already are now. But you would still keep limited mule deer hunting which is a win. I’ve tried to talk to biologist about what you guys have and you can’t get the conversation even started.
It would be worse for units over here. We would get pounded the last two weeks by even more people than we already are now. But you would still keep limited mule deer hunting which is a win. I’ve tried to talk to biologist about what you guys have and you can’t get the conversation even started.
Sorry Timmy, I wonder why you think the new regs In the Root are a good idea. Pm is OK. mtmuley
I posted this before I saw mtmuleys post and then deleted it to see what the ideas were. I think some background is needed.

There is a redrawing of some of these areas in the Bitterroot and they will now be general tag instead of permit for mule deer (one of those units already being really hard to draw a permit for). I'll need to check the regulations when I get home but some of those areas already end season early. So essentially it would be a free for all in those districts because they would go to general tag instead of permit.

I'm not sure where this notion of them going to permit came from, maybe I looked at a different district.
Before some of us raise concerns, why is it "great for units over there"? mtmuley
That was really just a gut reaction to my (perhaps uninformed) notion that mule deer throughout the state are having a rough time and could use a break during the rut.

Not sure what all local groups like RCFWA and others have done over the years to rebound the mule deer population in the Bitterroots, as you alluded to in an earlier post. If it has been indeed been a success, then sure, why deny folks that worked hard to get a population back up in those units the opportunity to hunt them during the rut?

On the other hand, don’t a lot of people tend to agree that it might be best overall for a mitigation of hunting mule deer during the rut statewide? Do we really know how well mulies are doing in the area? The R2 biologist has told me that she really only gets to survey 270 for deer populations.

I wasn’t really trying to make a bold statement of any sort, but do default to the idea of not overly pressuring a susceptible population of animals during their most susceptible time of the year.

Most of all, I’m here to learn something and you in particular seem knowledgeable. I am all ears as to your thoughts on the changes in the area.
There is no unit in Ravalli County that is getting more restrictive mule deer harvest with these proposals, not sure where you're getting that from.

In 2021 there is not a single unit in Ravalli County that has general mule deer buck regulations. With these proposals almost half the county will go general.
I’m reading over the proposed changes again and am seeing that, but the units going to general are mostly all currently an unlimited permit that anyone can get, right? Would these changes not, as FWP states for 240, “Allowing antlered buck harvest on the general license will allow hunters to hunt MD bucks in districts other than 240, which should reduce the focused hunting pressure that the current 240-50 permit creates.”?

Conversely, I could see why people unit hopping might not be a good thing at all.

And the idea that closing the season after three weeks is "eliminating the rut hunt" is ridiculous.
To be fair, I did not use the word “eliminate.”
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When was the last time you hunted in the Bitterroot?
You guys obviously have an issue with the proposal would be more than happy to comment against it but nobody is saying why I should. I have zero interest in hunting there.
I only looked over the Region 5 changes so far, I was pleasantly surprised with a few things. Some of my favorite places with struggling public land elk herds are finally getting the problem acknowledged.
View attachment 195208

Spin it however you want, but gigantic chunks of land that were either unlimited or extremely limited entry mule deer permits, that are within an hour's drive of 180,000 humans will now be general hunting for mule deer bucks.
Ok, you’re right. Got me. “Eliminated” in my initial thought was not the correct term.

I know that internet forums aren’t the best place to convey tone, but do ask that you recognize that I’m not taking a firm stance or trying to “spin” a darn thing. A few of us are asking for you folks opposed to this to help us understand why we should be. We have expressed that we have open minds either way, and would like to hear from those who might know more than we do.

More specifically, what extremely limited units are they proposing be open to a general three week tag?

I do understand and appreciate your frustration that any old Joe Hunter can come down to these units and hunt them on a general tag without having committed to that unit’s unlimited tag during the application period.
Agreed but a hell of a lot better than the rest of the state has to deal with.
It’s not a competition. These are some of the must sought after tags in the state have have been for decades. Some say the country.

randy11 beat me too the rest.
My point is that it doesn't make sense to compare different parts of the state. The Bitterroot gets an unbelievably high amount of recreational pressure and has very few mule deer. Of course the regulations need to be more restrictive in the Bitterroot than on the Custer. You can't just say that making our seasons less restrictive than they were isn't a big deal because it's still more restrictive than other parts of the state.

[XXX] Last year [more than a thousand] people applied for [less than 20] permits. With these proposals it will be general.

There, now it's out there. Now anyone with access to Google knows where to be sitting on opening day next fall to bag one of the last trophy bucks in the state. Glad I could save you five minutes of reading.
Thanks for informing me (though a PM would have been fine). Bracketed edits above are mine. You should perhaps delete the info in your original post to keep it off the Google machine. I’d be happy to comment against that change.
It’s not a competition. These are some of the must sought after tags in the state have have been for decades. Some say the country.

randy11 beat me too the rest.
I get it I misread a small portion of the change and I’m sorry guys it sucks it really does. I can’t even fathom the work that was put in to make those changes. Hopefully a hunting personality doesn’t try to come in and exploit it.
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