MT birdhunters...


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gallatin Valley, MT
HB 159 - I ain't lettin' up on this one. Again, the last line of this bill repeals 87-3-401, which restricts the use of of rifles for upland bird. This bill has now been transmitted to the senate. I know the 2'nd Amendment crowd on here's(?) general insights, am not interested in that debate again My question is, if anybody in the target crowd reads this, how does the birdhunting bunch feel about the use of rifles for upland game hunting?
I target shoot, and HB 159 offends me greatly. It is up to the commission to decide whether or not we should restrict ammo, not the legislature.
As the NRA often tells us, the Second has nothing to do with hunting.

Establishing regs and rules is what a commission does. It does nothing that says you can't use lead for target, small game, etc.

Leave the biology to the professionals, not the Montucky legislature.
As the NRA often tells us, the Second has nothing to do with hunting.

Establishing regs and rules is what a commission does. It does nothing that says you can't use lead for target, small game, etc.

Leave the biology to the professionals, not the Montucky legislature.

Ain't that the truth, pick which part am I agreeing with......
I love my annual lope/pheasant hunt out east. Some of the places I hunt have high concetration of birds that hang out along county roads. The local landowners already have problems with "hunters" jumping out of their trucks and blasting away or shooting out of their windows before speeding off. I can just see this leading to more of this kind of stuff but with the added "benefit" of the bullets finding an unintended target off in the distance. Are they anticipating people shooting rifles up in the air at flying birds or are we supposed to shoot them off the ground now?
Careful Ben, you'll start up the 2nd amendment bruhaha again:rolleyes:

You love agruing with yourself evident by your reaching to describe other points of view. If I said that or cited go ahead rail on me, I didn't. But considering how you proclaimed there'd be all kinds of victims of stray bullets and families and innocent children would pay the brunt of this bill, if something like this ever were to pass I think it goes along way to show your rationale or lack thereof. I mearely challenged your pathetic acquisition, that is all. So please if your going to run your mouth at least get your facts straight, try not to be such an intellectual coward.
I love my annual lope/pheasant hunt out east. Some of the places I hunt have high concetration of birds that hang out along county roads. The local landowners already have problems with "hunters" jumping out of their trucks and blasting away or shooting out of their windows before speeding off. I can just see this leading to more of this kind of stuff but with the added "benefit" of the bullets finding an unintended target off in the distance. Are they anticipating people shooting rifles up in the air at flying birds or are we supposed to shoot them off the ground now?

How would you like to be the unintended target....or your kid, hunting partner, or dog. The puppet sponsor of this bill sat and told me that it does not repeal 87-3-401...apparently he does not read his "own" handywork or is a blatant liar. These are the folks "representing" us all. OK, back on track.....this bill is now up to the senate, then if passed, up to the guv. These people need to be reminded that this is a basic hunter safety issue and that the bill as is needs to die. Keep making calls and sending emails. I am a broken record but don't give a chit.
You love agruing with yourself evident by your reaching to describe other points of view. If I said that or cited go ahead rail on me, I didn't. But considering how you proclaimed there'd be all kinds of victims of stray bullets and families and innocent children would pay the brunt of this bill, if something like this ever were to pass I think it goes along way to show your rationale or lack thereof. I mearely challenged your pathetic acquisition, that is all. So please if your going to run your mouth at least get your facts straight, try not to be such an intellectual coward.

go away, you ignorant troll. This may be frowned upon but if so I'll take my lumps. Brudno, it's attitudes like yours that lead to a lot of what a lot of many of us are combatting in MT today. I don't expect you to understand, you don't live here. That is not a value judgement, it is just truth. That being said, why don't you spend your time lending your intellectual excellence to topics that you know what the hell you are talking about, if there are any. It must suck having nothing better to do but jump on a website and wait for the opportunity to hop on a bandwagon that isn't going anywhere near your house.

I figured you'd pipe up, just hoped not. again, go away.
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I dont have a problem with mountain grouse being hunted with .22's and the like, but I'm not a real big fan of opening up sharpies and sage grouse for rifle hunting.

Its just a dumb idea...these idiots in the legislature need to stay out of game management.
"how does the birdhunting bunch feel about the use of rifles for upland game hunting?"

well, which is it? upland game? or birds? can't see a reason to be out hunting pheasants, ducks, geese, or quail with a rifle. but even here in illinois, we can use a 22 for rabbits.
"how does the birdhunting bunch feel about the use of rifles for upland game hunting?"

well, which is it? upland game? or birds? can't see a reason to be out hunting pheasants, ducks, geese, or quail with a rifle. but even here in illinois, we can use a 22 for rabbits.

it is birds
I love my annual lope/pheasant hunt out east. Some of the places I hunt have high concetration of birds that hang out along county roads. The local landowners already have problems with "hunters" jumping out of their trucks and blasting away or shooting out of their windows before speeding off. I can just see this leading to more of this kind of stuff but with the added "benefit" of the bullets finding an unintended target off in the distance. Are they anticipating people shooting rifles up in the air at flying birds or are we supposed to shoot them off the ground now?

Big Shooter is that you?

I cannot imagine why this bill was even introduced. I don't know anybody who is going to be rifle hunt sharpie and huns. I guess there would be a few knuckle heads but then again there are plenty of knuckleheads that shoot off the road at deer and antelope as well.

Big Shooter is that you?

I cannot imagine why this bill was even introduced. I don't know anybody who is going to be rifle hunt sharpie and huns. I guess there would be a few knuckle heads but then again there are plenty of knuckleheads that shoot off the road at deer and antelope as well.


Oh, I know why this bill was introduced..........I'm [just] guessing you actually do too
NEMONT- no im not big shooter, not sure what you mean?

I am often the one that confronts the guys shooting birds off the road opening week on the places I hunt so I know there are plenty of guys that do it. Last fall I made it back out east a second time during deer season. While helping my uncle with some chores around the farm we heard a bunch of gun shots from the other side of his place. We hopped in the truck and sped over there but by the time we got there the shooters were gone. What was left was four dead unrecovered hen turkeys and a pile of .270 and .300 brass sitting on the road. From the feathers also on the road we assumed they recovered at least one bird. Called the warden but I don't think anything came of it. If its not legal and people do it, I'm sure if its legal even more will.
Seems kind of stupid to me.

Like Buzz said, mountain grouse would be ok to hunt with a .22. Upland birds not so much.

I'm not opposed to it on a philosophical level, but safety wise it seems stupid.
So I guess when I'm out laying in my layout blind surrounded by decoys I have better make sure to pack my rifle to return fire when I'm fired upon. If this passes I can see more people being shot while waterfowl hunting. Either that or it will be a must to wear orange so you don't get shot. I don't know how many times I see pheasants or grouse wandering around in my decoys while I wait for the next arrival of birds. Very very dumb.
The bill was introduced at the request of MSSA. People are concerned that lead shot would have been banned by FWP because they had the audacity to put forward a concept that lead shot at Freeze out and Canyon Ferry were a bad idea for upland, since the majority of upland hunting occurs close to major waterfowl nesting areas. Ultimately, the commission decided against it, but that hasn't stopped the black helicopter crowd.
So I guess when I'm out laying in my layout blind surrounded by decoys I have better make sure to pack my rifle to return fire when I'm fired upon. If this passes I can see more people being shot while waterfowl hunting. Either that or it will be a must to wear orange so you don't get shot. I don't know how many times I see pheasants or grouse wandering around in my decoys while I wait for the next arrival of birds. Very very dumb.

A guy got killed a couple years ago in South Dakota by that same scenario. A rancher fired into a flock of geese on his field and killed a hunter in a layout blind.

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