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MT Attorney General Candidate 2016 Larry Jent


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
I was asked by a "real conservation hunter/angler" if I would interview Larry Jent, who is running for Attorney General of Montana, write something up in the Newsletter (because I am not a non-profit with my hands tied!). I told my friend I would look into him. Well, y'all know how I like to look into things. I was actually quite impressed. I compiled my list of subjects I felt were pertinent to the Attorney General's position, called Jent to set up the interview, but decided to do it in video format, so y'all could see it directly.

Larry did not know what subjects I would be bringing up until I met him at the interview, showed him my quick outline, asking him not cross into another subject that I might bring up further into the interview (I had a timeline in mind). I have to say, I feel as a conservation hunter/angler and public trust advocate, I strongly feel that we need Larry Jent for Montana's next Attorney General.

  • Larry Jent's background
  • Access to MT State Lands & the Attorney General's seat on the State Land Board
  • Natural Resource Law - the Red Rim Case
  • Stream Access
  • MT Hunting Legislation & FWP Game Wardens
  • Bridge Access
  • Clean/Green Energy Technologies in MT
  • Attorney General Position and the State Land Transfer Issue
  • Outdoor Recreation, one of Montana's largest economies
  • Dark Money & Citizens United

Click to view the video interview

Larry just released his first ad today, speaking to Public Access. He is standing before an illegal locked gate that county commissioners have ignored.
Thanks for posting Kat!

Nice interview, I am a fan of Larry Jent. Please keep up the good work, it is appreciated.

A Mark Sandefur interview would be great as well ;)
Thanks Bigfoot, You mean Dirk Sandefur?

Obviously the guy is in some serious need of name recognition. ;)

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