MT 447 Elk - Highwood Mountains

[email protected]

New member
Jun 23, 2015
St Paul, MN
Hi, my buddy and I both drew 900-20 archery tags this year and we are looking at hunting HD447 which is the Highwood Mountains east of Great Falls. We are coming from MN so the most scouting we will get is a day or two before season. We have been archery hunting the Little Belts the past 3 years and are set up to truck camp and/or backpack hunt. I am looking for some information as to what we could expect in 447 and how it will compare to the Little Belts (HD413 & 416). How does the terrain differ? What is the hunting pressure like? Etc...

If you have any information about 447 or the 900-20 tag that you are willing to share, it would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to PM me if you prefer.


Maybe try an introduction first, doubt anyone will tell you anything without at least knowing a little about you.
Pressure is pretty high, especially weekends. Many of the elk will be on private. Access is difficult from the south and the few access points from other directions are mostly well known and frequented by locals.
Don't worry about the pressure. This year most of the people with the 900 tag are headed for SE Montana. A quick search the Custer Forest on this sit will confirm it.
Spend a little time looking at aerials and topos and it will become pretty apparent where to look for elk. Lots of weekend warriors and a few horse camps along the private boundary on the eastern side.
Thanks to everyone who responded. What is the dirt bike traffic like in the Highwoods?

Our plan is to hike in for a couple days and see what we can figure out.
both camping and hunting... will we find much water we can filter to drink? the onx maps overlay shows tons of stocktanks, i was wondering if there is less water than the belts.


The Highwoods have grazing allotments, hence the number of stock tanks. These aren't necessarily indicative of less water, they are to disperse cattle out of the riparian zones.

Every main drainage will have water in it. The southern exposures are very dry. Northern aspects will have some seep springs here and there.

Shoot me a PM if you have some specific questions.

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