MT 2017 Spring Turkey Hunt Thread

R2 numbers seem to be normal. Quality of toms might be down, or they may be in hiding already.
R1 reports im getting are varied but not great. Bird feeder birds did ok but overall numbers are down....but the numbers were way up last yr so im trying to filter out if they are down down or just down from last scouters are not turkey hunters. LOL

Was in Billings last week and went and scouted a few spots within driving distance. Numbers seem to be down but not that bad. Got birds to gobble at 3/5 stops which is good.

Doesn't matter, im hunting. Low numbers or high numbers birds will be found!
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Least the weather will be good in every portion of the state with turkeys.:( oh well Kid should have one down before it gets crappy Sat...I hope
I live about 1/2 mile from the Flathead river in unit 170 and I would say turkey numbers look very good, if you can get permission. The past two evenings I have seen between three to nine toms chasing a group of 20 hens behind my house. I will not be able to hunt in Region 1 until May 1st due to work in eastern MT and central WY. They were shock gobbling at coyote yeps yesterday evening as they went up to roost. Good luck on the opener.
Here we go!!! Good luck to those chasing toms this morning.
Son and I got lucky

son and i got lucky, public land, did little scouting this last week, took a while to get on them this morning, big group toms, 1st tom came in 5 yards son took him,, his first spring bird,
look on his face priceless to see a bird that close, when his bird went into the death spiral beating its wings on the ground 8 toms started gobbling and charged in to 30 yards, so i took one also,

shortest turkey hunt for us but the best with my son at my side, 7in and 9 in beards for those that keep track,,,,,


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Sweet! A double with your son, a day you will both remember and tell the story often. Congratulations
DSC_0024.jpgDaughters region 3 Public land bird down...
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son and i got lucky, public land, did little scouting this last week, took a while to get on them this morning, big group toms, 1st tom came in 5 yards son took him,, his first spring bird,
look on his face priceless to see a bird that close, when his bird went into the death spiral beating its wings on the ground 8 toms started gobbling and charged in to 30 yards, so i took one also,

shortest turkey hunt for us but the best with my son at my side, 7in and 9 in beards for those that keep track,,,,,

I was wondering when you were going to look to your right and see the first tom. He was there for a while.
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A couple of great birds already hitting the dirt. Awesome photos! And always great to get the kids into it. Neither of those look like kids anymore, but neither do mine. Go with them as many times as they will let you.
Congratulations to all. My opener was odd. There is a flock of around 30 birds, with about 5 good toms in it that I WAS sure I was the only that had acess to. I got out to the field and right at 6 they started to gobble. I head them come down off their roosts around 630. I clucked, got an answer and figured they were on their way to me. Five minutes later I heard 4 shots that were much, much closer than they ought to be. These birds' home area is about 6 different properties so I waited a bit and then went looking around. No one, no bird, no feathers in sight. I am completely dumfounded where they went. I've hunted these birds for several years, they don't just up and vanish. Talked with some landowners, they weren't hunting and haven't given out any permissions to hunt. Mystery.

Still, I won't complain about being out. I love getting the birds to talk (they are much more into a conversation than any elk I have ever found.) and they didn't disappoint. Plenty of time for me to bust a bird.
After a long walk yesterday morning with nothing but ticks to show for it, was able to get on a flock yesterday evening about 6:30 and call two jakes in. The two large toms in the group simply weren't convinced. Of course I was hoping for a longbeard but I was happy to take my first Montana gobbler.

We had a tough hunt. Weather was decent Sat but the birds were henned up hard and pretty tight lipped. 1-2 gobbles and then just strutting. The wife came close to getting a tom that came in with 6 hens but hesitated on the shot and the opportunity passed. Mid morning we got on a flock with a couple of real vocal hens that ended up being the ticket to a Jake. 5 jakes and 8 hens. No adult tom, so my son shot a jake.
Sunday we woke up to wet. We got on a flock on the roost which flew down, milled around, and headed for cover as it started pouring, so we left. Drove home through a nice blizzard. Cant wait till next weekend
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