MSA letter on sage grouse

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Jun 23, 2012
HSA letter on sage grouse

Headwaters Sportsman Association wrote a letter apposing closing the sage grouse season in Montana:

June 13, 2014

Dan Vermillion, Chairman
Montana FWP Commission
P.O. Box 200701
Helena MT 59620-0701

Dear Chairman Vermillion,

As you know Headwaters Sportsman Association has been representing the resident Montana hunter and angler for years. We are honored to have a close working relation with the decision makers and leaders of Montana’s Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

So we were surprised to see that the Commission was proposing closing the sage grouse season in Montana. Letters to you from other organizations present the scientific evidence that clearly shows this closure is not needed to maintain viable population of sage grouse in Montana. Here is a partial list of these organizations:

• Big Sky Upland Bird Association
• Montana Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
• Montana Wildlife Federation
• Pheasants Forever
• Russell Country Sportsmen
• Laurel Rod and Gun Club and
• National Wildlife Federation

I will instead present a short analysis of the impact this decision will have on the resident hunting community’s perception of how it is being treated by Montana’s Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Hunters are willing to sacrifice if needed to help maintain healthy populations of wildlife. But we also want those who are negatively impacting this populations to suffer too:

• We do not see “sod busters” being regulated for their negative impact on sage grouse.
• We do not see energy developers being regulated for their negative impact on sage grouse.
• We do not see massive efforts to control invasive species in sage grouse habitat.
• Nor do we see regulations being proposed to allow a significant reduction in sage grouse predators.

In other words, we think that we are the only stake-holder group being asked to sacrifice for sage grouse protection. That is the perception.

We expect the Commission to protect and expand the hunting and fishing opportunities of resident Montana hunters and anglers. We encourage to Commission to NOT close the sage grouse season.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I would be more than happy to discuss this issue with any of the Commissioners.


Shannon Taylor, Secretary

Headwaters Sportsmans Association
P.O. Box 1941
Bozeman, MT 59771-1941
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Someone's confused on the group.

I was on my horse on the Madison river about 11 this morning when I realized I confused my two projects. Sorry for any confusion. I think I have it corrected.
But I can not change the thread name, as far as I know.
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