Not much of a story but.....I had to miss opening day of deer season here for only the second time in my life(first was the boss's daughters wedding)due to a MSHA Class I had to attend. I did get to hunt the last 30 minutes of the day(Saturday) and passed up on some hogs, as it was raining. My wife called me later that evening and gave me the go ahead to hunt Sunday and miss church services and dicipleship class we teach. YIPPY!! That doesnt happen too often so I bit at the chance.
Sunday morning I get out just before daylight and get settled in my blind, it's still raining but I do see some turkeys and several doe and 2 small bucks but go back and get some breaskfast and try to dry out at 9:00am.Let me be the first one to tell y'all it is plum miserable driving through foot deep water on a four wheeler trying not to make turbulance.
I eat some breakfast and by 10:30am I am going stir crazy at my father's home, it's raining and there isnt much to do in an old farm house.AHHHHHHHHHH 11:00 rolls around and I have to get out of there, so I decide if I am going to kill time I oughta do it in the pasture. Again the rain is off and on, I drive and glass the area,pull under some trees for shelter, drive some more. I see a few deer and some armadillos but that's about it.
I then decide to really get out of the weather and go to a blind that's on a pipeline right away,you can see 1000 yards on 2 directions. Ohhhhh, it's almost dry in there, time to get comfy.I am sorta taking cat naps....nodding away and waking up,nodding...zzzzzzzzzzzz awaking...wha whaaa. You get the picture.This goes on for awhile. At 2:00pm I am awake and lookin down a sendero and see a deer crossing at about 200yds from my right to left, I look through my Leupold and see that it's a young 3 pointer just passing by.
I then start counting sheep and dose off(zzzzzzzzz) only to awake at 2:25pm. I look around in every direction to see if any deer suddenly appear, Nothing, notta,zilch!But wait, I look down the sendero that I saw the 3 pointer earlier on and see a deer in the same place and this time it is going from my left to my right. I figure that it's the 3 pt just back trailing but throw the rifle on it to make sure. Mind you it's STILL raining and visabilty is low.
WHOA!, even with rain coming down I reconize that this aint the 3 pointer. I actually could see some antler, he was at a fast walk and was closing in the timber so I yelled out something like....HEYYA DEER!
It stopped instantly to look where the sound was coming from and then I was able to get a good look at em. I quickly figgured that if I didnt shoot, someone in the next pasture would so.....BOOM....thud, the deer was mortaly hit and ran just to the edge of the sendero and fell. The shot was 210 yards with a 6.5 cal 107 gr MK. This deer is a giant by any stretch but for the area(not South Texas) is a decent deer. I took a few pics and headed to the house to dress and quarter the deer out. I then returned back out to hunt at around 5:00 and was able to get a hog that same evening, but that's another story.

This is my wife's deer she took the day (morning) after Thanksgiving. Due to having to wake up long before she is used to(5:00am) and having no make-up on, she refused to have any pictures taken with the deer. We needed some deer to make sausage so I was tagged out and she was our only hope.
She hasnt hunted in 8 years(this is when she delivered our youngest girl, 3 1/2 months premature)but was all exited about hunting now. She shoots her Win.M70 257 Roberts so well it's kinda scary!The day before the took 2 javelinas with it(maybe another story)The county in which we hunt is a 1 buck county only so does, which we have way to many cant be taken without special permits. Since this one ,I have seen a few bigger but she isnt that caught up with head gear.She has her own blind that she hunts in and is pretty inependent, so I let her do what she wants........AA is no dummy!Anyways she has a green light on a 8pt or better and this one came along following 2 does to a feeder.A short 75 yard shot to the neck with a 100 grain partition did him in.
Enough rambling on,I will have to wait till spring turkey season before it gets any better than this.........AA