Mounts came in

What if you check it as an extra bag or something on somebodies flight or boat trip?

I'm not shipping a girlfriend, but it reminded me of this blind date once. When women say "a few extra pounds", it means something different than a guy, I think.
What are you talking about, Tom? The crate? Did you look at the picture of mine in the back of my F-350? The extra baggage charge would be a heckuva lot more than the freight bill, and the other guys' crates were about 6 or 7 feet x 5 feet x 5 feet. That doesn't make any sense.
Cali... plus the year to wait to bring it with you would take a long time too.... If you calculate it .... probably like.... 365 days. (I'm jsut helping Tom with math here :p )
Not if you hunt Africa every year, like Jorge is doing!

I mean, it's still 365 days that you have to wait.

You just don't have to wait there - the terminal does not look that comfortable. ;)
I think many of the plains game species make great looking euro mounts! Especially the impala. However, I'm not sure I'd like that hartebeast, but if you're happy I'm happy. For me it'd be like a bright yellow pickup for about the first 10 minutes.

I'm surprised at the taxidermy and shipping costs. I would've thought they'd be much higher.
Cali..... Shoot down my point and help Tom... I don't care. You argue against him then for him, pick a side trader ;)

I also thought the $ sounded cheap. That's the difference between wages of an African and American I bet ?
Well, for US flights an extra bag was only $50, but its not oversized and it has probably gone up. I guess you'd still need the crate. Its pretty hard to cut costs in Africa unless you work there and/or have a friend there, I guess.
1-pointer = I wasn't sure about having it painted, but the sample I looked at looked nice, so I figured I'd gamble with the wierd-looking one - the hartebeest. One is enough, alright.
Taxidermy in Africa is way cheaper! For example, from Taxidermy Enterprises in Bulawayo Zim,I got full body Lion, full body Leopard, Baboon Shoulder, Impala Euro, Zebra full skin, two Cape Buff skull mounts, two Buff flat skins, a Kudu flat skin and a buff scrotum sack for less than the price quoted me for the Lion alone from three different US Taxidermist. Lost about 60% of savings in shipping costs.
But, I would not use an African Taxidermy shop that I had not inspected and looked at their work in various stages. I currently use Marakalalo Trophies in Bloemfontein, SA for all my work. Excellent results. They also do "dip,pack and crate" very reasonable.
For me it'd be like a bright yellow pickup for about the first 10 minutes.

Painting of the horns to "look" better depends on the animal...for example, Blesbok, Water Buck, Lechwe would look like sheit darkened or painted but to bring out original color Cape Buffalo, the various wildebeest,Impala look better painted...
Agree 100% I just want my Kudu left the same. I found a dead bull that they let me keep the skull from about a 53 inch bull. Those I will have them paint as they are slightly bleached. I can't wait I look at the pictures everyday.!!!

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