Mountain goat hide coat

I may just go with couch pillows over a coat or vest.

Maybe, a strong maybe for a pedestal. Maybe a two tier pedestal or something. To be honest, I really don't care if I get a goat mounted or not. I'd rather spend the money on a sheep mount :D or a bush flight.
I may just go with couch pillows over a coat or vest.

Maybe, a strong maybe for a pedestal. Maybe a two tier pedestal or something. To be honest, I really don't care if I get a goat mounted or not. I'd rather spend the money on a sheep mount :D or a bush flight.
White goes with everything. Jackets on the other hand....giphy (1).gif
I likr the idea of a shawl neck wool coat with the collar out of goat hair on hide. Use the Shearlng coat pattern...

This idea but less 1980's Centennial vibe


(For the Millenials)
Centennial was a mini series based on the book by James Michener

This is the only real application ive seen for pelts....

I don’t know who you would contact to have one made but I have at sheep show a couple years seen a guy that was wearing a mtn goat hide jacket.
Any other interesting ideas?

I think goat rugs are pretty cool, but take up too much wall spspace.
I was in the same way with a tahr. I had originally skinned it dorsal cut for a life-size mount but regretted doing that because I don't have room for one.
Rugs take up alot of wall space but fit nicely on the ceiling.
I have a grizzly hide I’ve always wanted to make into a pair of angora-style chaps. Goat would be perfect. I thought I’d get A pair of very light chinks (short chaps) and glue the hide on and sew the edges. There is a very colorful and pleasant lifty at Discovey ski area who used To wear bear hide chaps when it got cold bumping chairs. Awesome.
A beaver vest was kind of a classic Andy Russell Canadian outfitter type of garment you see in old photos. Goat might be a bit much.

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