Most valuable hunting item under $100

Nitrile gloves, paracord, replacement blades, Barricade spray, duct tape, a cheap tarp w/eyelets, zip ties, assortment of bungees.
Have a CABELAS Store 5 minutes away, next door is one of those ''DOLLAR STORES''. great place for pack items.....hand warmers, small tarps, para cord and heavier cords,thermo blankets, ponchos, jerkey, lighters, BUG JUICE ....
good stuff for a day pack, now go to CABELAS $$$$$$$$$!!!
I’ve been thinking about this since this post started. My initial thought was my Marsupial enclosed bino harness which is a touch over budget. But that’s one that I don’t know why I waited so long to buy it. Very well thought out and well built and will last for years.

I haven’t bought trekking poles yet but need to.

Other little items I use more than I ever thought I would: wind checker, headlamp, and OnX.

Most used: mechanix gloves. Wear them all the time when hiking in the cold or when the weather is nice enough. Sized right, I can even shoot well enough with them on, but still pull them off if I have time.
TREKKING POLES, you will wonder how you got along without them
TREKKING POLES, you will wonder how you got along without them
I've tried them. Hated it. I want my hands free to grab stuff or push it out of the way or hang onto my gun. I guess I'm not yet fat enough (188 lbs) or old enough (70) to be dependent on those things. Soon probably.
I've tried them. Hated it. I want my hands free to grab stuff or push it out of the way or hang onto my gun. I guess I'm not yet fat enough (188 lbs) or old enough (70) to be dependent on those things. Soon probably.
Ya, 75, feel old some days ,230#....BUT, new years,told wife I am going to start exercising more,........ starting JULY 1 !!!!!!!!
She's been staying with my son the last twelve years ... at Riverside Cemetary. Kidding aside, that ice shelter looks like a good deal. I would like to know more. My son-in-law is an ice fishing addict. Might be a good gift for him. Personally, I think a root canal is more exciting than ice fishing.
Man, that’s some dark humor! I was referring to the running gag about ice fishing hookers.
There is some cool gear on here that i need to look into!

Only one vote for a First Aid kit (IFAK) suprises me. I carry a small trauma only kit with a cat TQ, packing gauze, quik-clot gauze, a second rubber band style TQ that can be used to compress a wound as well, tape and a couple chest seals.

Other than that I'd say a head lamp is #2.

Bino harness is #3.
There is some cool gear on here that i need to look into!

Only one vote for a First Aid kit (IFAK) suprises me. I carry a small trauma only kit with a cat TQ, packing gauze, quik-clot gauze, a second rubber band style TQ that can be used to compress a wound as well, tape and a couple chest seals.

Other than that I'd say a head lamp is #2.

Bino harness is #3.
First aid is a must! Good call on that.
First aid is a must! Good call on that.
Hmmm. Many years ago my wife put a small first aid kit under the Christmas tree for me. The next year she was putting a lunch in my daypack and noticed it wasn't there. I explained it's extra weight and space. He mouth dropped open. "Listen, Cathy, I hunt alone tracking moose in snow 30 miles from anywhere. You know that no one is to come looking unless I'm two days overdue (a rule that was never tested fortunately). What good is a first aid kit? At best it might prolong my life so I can freeze to death. I would much prefer dying from blood loss over crawling naked through the brush trying to escape imaginary flesh eating zombies. Been there once." It's a testament of my late wife's faith in and love for me that she didn't go hide the truck keys.
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My top 3

Neck Gaiter (best bang for your buck cold weather, often overlooked piece)
Thermacell (turkey season)
Man, that’s some dark humor! I was referring to the running gag about ice fishing hookers.
To clarify, the kidding aside was about the shelter ladies not my wife and son. They are both deceased. I can see how you might make the wrong inference. Poor writing skills on my part.
I don’t know if it’s been said yet but my Outdoorsmans Bino Stud and Adapter.

Completely changed the way I hunt.
Please elaborate on the way you hunt due to the use of this.....thanks.
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