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Most valuable hunting item under $100

Solid call, but OnX requires a phone which is well over $100. Might have to got to the judges on this one…or Hunt Talk Man.
I appeal as well. Everyone has a phone already, and mine definitely cost less than $100. Scratch that. Just looked, it's over $100.
All super good answers. The wind checker is one I didn’t think about but is something that is always with me. I second the outdoor edge knives. I lost a 3” on the Riverbank and replaced it with a 3.5” and my wife has both as well. I’ve seen cutproof gloves in the hunting section and thought about adding that one in also, since I almost always cut myself pretty good on those sharp little buggers! Anyone used those gloves before?? OnX was huge also and the socks. I’m interested to see more listed!!
All super good answers. The wind checker is one I didn’t think about but is something that is always with me. I second the outdoor edge knives. I lost a 3” on the Riverbank and replaced it with a 3.5” and my wife has both as well. I’ve seen cutproof gloves in the hunting section and thought about adding that one in also, since I almost always cut myself pretty good on those sharp little buggers! Anyone used those gloves before?? OnX was huge also and the socks. I’m interested to see more listed!!
X2 for the wind checker.