Caribou Gear Tarp

Most sheds found where...Bedding area, fields, trails,fence lines..??


New member
Dec 6, 2004
I am located in Wisconsin...Whats the best areas you guys find your sheds? I have found a few along trails...but none in bedding areas and how about fields..where you find yours?
I am not the most successful shed hunter in the world, so my testimony is not that important......Anyhow...I have found them in every possible location..feeding, bedding, travel, whatever. Farm fields, deep dark north facing slopes, rock cliffs, in the middle of trails and matched sets in beds under pine trees along a nice meadow.

I wish I knew where to go to hit the mother load......
In my experiences I have found a ton of sheds under trees.....I think the reasons may be bedding and escaping from the weather...during the winter months in the areas I shed hunt the only place without snow is up under the juniper trees...I find trails leading from one juniper to the next. But I agree with Horn Seeker and wapiti2 you will find them everywhere if you look hard enough.
And while many are found on Southern slopes, due to sunning themselves.....don't rule out the northern slopes........I've found many a Muley Shed on the North side as well......figure they must get up out of their bed and cross over the ridge to go feed or water........

Like was said'll find them just about anywhere, but the places you listed are a good place to start
I agree with all of these guys.. I've found them mostly on the ground, but occassionally I've found elk sheds hanging in trees.. I guess the one answer that I agree with the most, is where you find them is where they are...

I have found them in sagebrush . In thick oakbrush northslopes , beds , little feeding openings , trails , and rocky areas . Just where they happen to be , and they drop is where its gonna be regardlesss of one of those .

I found a shed one time while bow hunting about 10' up a was a small 3 point but I was amazed it was in a tree that high....I have a pic I will post of it sometime
Have you guys ever seen Mt. Goat hair WAY up trees. Its a cool site. If you get in a spot where there are a ton of goats its pretty obvious. My assumption is that in the winter when there is a LOAD of snow, they get it up there then.....OR, when they are shedding the updraft along the cliffs blow it up???