Most devastating varminter in cyberspace

I can't remember which forum it was on, but a couple of years ago, som eguy posted pictures of javelina he'd shot with a .50 BMG rifle. Some were shot with A-MAx bullets, and man, were those some gory pictures!
This little feller made the mistake of crossing my path on a bad calling day. Ground squirrel, meet Mossberg 12ga extra-full choke, 3" #4 heavyshot. Point of impact, 15 feet, corpse landing spot, 20 yards. Sorry he's not a little cleaner, I think he rolled a bit on landing.

Do they have to be dead?

Let's keep it at a pg-13 rating....ok tbone? If you want to post that picture, take it to the adult forum. Thanks,

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-31-2003 15:17: Message edited by: Doug ]</font>
Let's see if I can do this right.

Why did the coyote cross the road??

Link for the big pic(needs to be copied and pasted into your Browser.)

We may never know...

Weapon of choice... Mack Truck going to pick up milk at next farm. Last words heard from said coyote... "OH SH*T..."

This is my entry guys... enjoy

Thanks Moosie... I think I got it right now.
sorry, I messed up.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-03-2003 09:01: Message edited by: crapshoot ]</font>
community webservice doesnt allow you to host pics on other site you have to go to the direct link to view it....

The reason it was there this am is because it was in your cache, if you rebooted or shut down the internet thats why you cant see it now...
WOW!!!! What a thread, this is the kind of thing the rest of the predator boards have been lacking in! The real meat and potatoes of what it is we are about! I would suggest one more addition to your pics. Lets see the ones you snapped after the kill; you know, the ones with your britches down around your ankles, your tally-wacker in hand, that shit eatin grin as your about to sink the pink in whats left of your prey. You guys hide your bloody skivies from momma when you get home after the hunt, so she doesn't ask what the hell you were doing out in the bush for three days? It's so refreshing to see blown up animals, viscera,happy grins on yer all should be quite proud....your a real credit to our fraternity.
BalaPlata, is that pronounced "ball a plata?"
If so, what is a plata? Maybe that is New Yawk-speak, and YOU have been sinking your pink in a platter of rigatoni. Or is that "rigor tony," as you seem to be fascinated by necrophelia.

Doug, I can't see where a close-up of a coyote's head ripped open is exactly PG-13, but you're the boss!
Let's keep this post on topic of the contest. If you don't like the contest, there's serious predator hunting discussions down in the MPE forum. Email Slydog for details. Thanks,
Well no contest winners here, but a few to share anyway.

If you run away, you may get a face exit wound.

A little practice while the deer weren't cooperating.

Pile of 'yotes having a bad day.

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