I've really never had any bear or other predator encounters that spooked me much, I'm sure if I really knew how close I'd been, I would be changing shorts more often. The one outdoor spook was climbing into a tower stand in western Oklahoma, no one had hunted it in about a year, and when I reached the top of the ladder and opened the door to go in, a racoon decided to use my head as springboard to try out for the winter olympic games.I stood there on the top rung, hanging on with my toes, while automatically swatting at my head and cussing. One of my buddies who saw the whole thing with binoculars later told me it was one of the funniest things he'd ever seen. On the other hand, I filled three doe tags out of that stand that night, so I guess it worked out ok.
The next scariest moment I remember is when I left the gun safe unlocked in the garage when cleaning guns, and my wife happened by and saw a new sxs 20 gauge in it. I barely survived that incident.
The next scariest moment I remember is when I left the gun safe unlocked in the garage when cleaning guns, and my wife happened by and saw a new sxs 20 gauge in it. I barely survived that incident.