More WY antelope


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Spent the last week hunting antelope here in Wyoming. Had a good time hunting with my wife and Oak.

Opening day my wife and I looked over a bunch of bucks. We found a good buck that looked real tall and the best buck we found in 2 1/2 days of scouting and hunting. The buck gave us the slip thanks to some hunting pressure from two road-hunters. My wife decided she liked the looks of another buck we'd named "crooked horn". We'd seen the buck several times and found him again about an hour from dark. We made a good stalk and got to about 110 yards. One quick shot from my wifes ruger #1 and crooked horn was down for good.


The next day Oak and I looked over a bunch more antelope, nothing really caught our eye and I couldnt find the buck that gave Pat and I the slip on opening day.

The following day, Oak spotted him right away in the morning. We watched him for most of the morning, then a smaller buck ran him over a couple ridges, we made a failed stalk and couldnt find him again. We finally relocated him and made another stalk. We bumped into another herd that had a really nice buck in the group, but not the buck we wanted. Oak liked the looks of the buck in the group we'd bumped into, a nice heavy buck with horns that really "hooked". I told Oak if he wanted to shoot "captain hook" to go ahead and then we'd continue on looking for the tall buck I was after. Oak said no, that he didnt want to risk losing track of the buck I was after. We skirted "captain hook" and his herd and soon found the buck I wanted. We stalked to about 500 yards but couldnt get closer. Finally another buck pushed my buck down toward a small reservoir. When the two bucks disappeared behind the dike, I made the decision to run 400 yards to get close to the bucks. The does spooked as they were in plain view. I ran up over the dike and found my buck and he was only about 120 yards away, walking along the reservoir. I shot him and he didnt make it but 20 yards. Oak and I were pretty darn excited. My best antelope. He's 15 1/2 inches tall and Oak and I rough scored him at around 78-79. Thanks to Oak for being totally unselfish when it came to hunting this buck. Passing up an EASY shot at "captain hook" couldnt have been easy. Thanks to my wifes eyes (pretty blue ones at that) for spotting the buck I killed. Good times....

Great looking antelope. Congrats to you and the wife.
nice goat Buzz....congrats!
Nice bucks! Congrats! Looks like a good way to spend some time in September. What's the furry thing on the top photo, right hand side?

That furry thing would be the jack russell...wouldnt be an antelope hunt without the dog.

JB, yep, shot it with the 7mm.

Bambi, shot 4 sage grouse.
Congrats to all and some nice pics taken....Oak looks like your camera has the optional "smile" mode turned on ;)
Nice Buzz...commendable mention of Oak's assist also. Congrads to your wife. Did she use the #1 25-06?

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