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More TV poachers

Stating the obvious here. We will continue to see this type of awful activity continue across the board until such time that harsh penalties including incarceration are dished out. Nothing but a slap on the wrist, however Alwine's "hunting career" is finished. Having one sponsor in common with this guy I can tell you that he has already been removed from any and all industry websites. Erased and forever branded as a poacher.

In my mind the sad thing driving a lot of this behavior is the need for guys to feel like they need to “produce” on every hunt so as to stay relevant with both their sponsors and their social media and/or show following. I’ve seen this mentality creep into the minds of several hunters I know over the past few years and it’s not a pretty thing. It overwhelms them and they stop hunting for the right reasons and begin to hunt for the purpose of getting kill shots on film, trophy photos and as much print and digital media attention as possible. In short, they lose touch with enjoying the act of hunting - focusing on killing as many animals as possible and doing anything in their power to obtain a kill. In this case and with many others, that means breaking the law to achieve what they are otherwise unable to do. It seems that so many hunters are driven less by getting out and truly enjoying a hunt than they are to go out and kill their next magazine bull for Huntin’ Fool, Eastmans or Facebook. Often times the people who film their hunts or show up with regularity in magazines are no better at hunting than you or me. They are celebrities not because of a high level of hunting prowess, but only because they promote themselves. In fact, were you to stick half of these camera personalities in a general over-the-counter unit on a general tag you would see what they are really made of. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great guys and gals in the industry who are what I call next level hunters, but they are far and few between.

Thank goodness there are industry guys out there who still know how to enjoy every minute of a hunt and aren’t afraid to pull the trigger on a raghorn bull or go home empty-handed. They hunt with enthusiasm and appreciation for the lands they hunt as well as the animals they pursue.


well put Cody.
I contacted a the producers of a TV show a few year back over a hunt here in MT where the TV personality along with the president of a well known rifle company opens the door of the truck, leans through the window and shoots a whitetail buck. They informed that "shooting from a vehicle" meant shooting from inside the vehicle and that shooting while leaning over a vehicle or using the vehicle as a rest was legal.
I emailed them a copy of the states regulations and they told me I should do better things with my time than harass a celebrity. Pretty sad what people will do for some fame and money.
I contacted a the producers of a TV show a few year back over a hunt here in MT where the TV personality along with the president of a well known rifle company opens the door of the truck, leans through the window and shoots a whitetail buck. They informed that "shooting from a vehicle" meant shooting from inside the vehicle and that shooting while leaning over a vehicle or using the vehicle as a rest was legal.
I emailed them a copy of the states regulations and they told me I should do better things with my time than harass a celebrity. Pretty sad what people will do for some fame and money.

"Celebrity"????. Some of these guys heads are so big its a wonder they can fit inside a pickup truck.
I believe the definition of "celebrity" is a famous,well known,or very important person.Most of these "celebrities" fall into that classification only within the confines of their own inflated egos.
This self anointing of importance leads many to believe they are above the law as it applies only to the "common folk"
People should have seen this coming. Any man that takes a perfectly good piece of merino and tries to make a halter top out of it clearly has poor judgement.

What a clown.....
...and we have our anu-all seasonal clown fest going on in town with all the "World Class" outfitters and their customers and crews. Bunch of dufasses for the most part.Trespassers. Poachers at best in my book.

Their are some class acts,person wise still tho.
Randy comes to mind.
I sat down with him and had some pie the last night of his antelope hunt here last month. An un filled tag hunt.
He was like a little kid who had just filled a was all good and his good attitude still showed. He had a good time regardless.
An honest good time.
"Celebrity"????. Some of these guys heads are so big its a wonder they can fit inside a pickup truck.
I believe the definition of "celebrity" is a famous,well known,or very important person.Most of these "celebrities" fall into that classification only within the confines of their own inflated egos.
This self anointing of importance leads many to believe they are above the law as it applies only to the "common folk"

Correct. I consider many of the TV hosts a lot of things, but celebrity isn't a word that comes to mind. It always amazes me how they want to portray themselves as such good hunters, when they are provided the best equipment and hunt mainly private land under controlled circumstances.

Unbelievable stuff that the smell of money brings out.
This is really upsetting to see.

Does anyone have any evidence that similar crimes by "common foke" have been punished more seriously?

If these dummies were punished accordingly, then so be it. But if they were treated lightly because they have some sort of infamy, there is a serious other issue at hand.
Trophy State was one of the three television hunting shows that I liked...this is just sad.
Its no doubt that money drives decisions and some people leave ethics behind while making them.

I know of a deer that was harvested by just an average Joe hunter that made record books and magazine covers. Not going to call anyone out, but I know that certain big market companies offered a lot of money to say that the animal was taken using a ______ bow and while wearing _______ clothing. The truth was far from the story told.

Just another example of what people will do when there is enough money at stake.
"Greed and Ego seem to be the driving force...." Very true
This is a sad reality of the social media world as well, I've seen it with hunt forums and other outlets all too often.
Chest pounders doing "whatever" it takes to post a pic of the big buck or bull which for the lazy includes illegal acts.
A well known waterfowl guide and call maker was caught shooting geese out of a park pond with a pellet gun just to add another band to his lanyard-jewelry to show off his prowess. Ridiculous
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