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More poaching

Until they put some bite in both criminal and civil penalties these types will be repeat offenders. They need to start with at least a full year in jail plus probation plus heavy fines then progressivly stiffer penalties from there.
Wow, those are some cheap fines. No wonder some of these losers don’t care. Can’t abide wildlife violators.
The one you’re thinking of got his parents to pay off his wife to drop the charges….it quietly went away. I seen a couple of the videos and they were fuc*ing sad.
Yuck! I wondered what ever became of that
I had heard about the dumb kid shooting the moose. That big bull had been hanging at the federal bird refuge with four others: a three year-old bull that was there in 2019 and a cow with twin yearlings, one a spooner and the other a heifer. The staff had been watching them all summer. The kid posted his photo on the internet almost at the same instant the bull's carcass was discovered. The refuge staff brought it to the maintenance shed and dressed it with a front end loader. I had presumed it was shot on the refuge from the gestures of the biologist who told me about it but sounds like from the charges it may have been shot from the county road (formerly US Hwy 2) leading in to the refuge ... which is heavily posted by its transplant owner. Sadly, the big cow seemed to have also disappeared as the yearlings had taken up with the young bull.

The kid is from Harlem. That pretty much tells the story re the meagre fine. I'd bet my paycheque he's native. Throwing the book at him will just attract the Indian rights fanatics. Yep, posting those images on FaceBook was so important for his subsistence. How many calories in a jpg these days?

Anyone who doesn't know the Bear Paw Mountains from the Missouri Breaks must be from another planet! One is mountains the other is canyons. Duh! I was in town when that one happened and never heard a peep about it till now. The photos are all that's important to that jerk. Shitcan his hunting privileges for ten years. No "mistake" about it. Like everyone on here has already said, getting a bull tag for the Bear Paws is like winning the Irish Sweepstakes. So the guy gets an elk tag in the mail and he just says to himself, "This must be from the Bear Paws because I wish it was so." If he filled out the draw application wrong (like I did this year) then the blame is his for not checking to make sure. And the district number is right there on the tag in big letters. I'm wondering what district he has applied for in the past? If he always applied for Bear Paws, I might be more inclined to buy into the "gee it was a fill in the application incorrectly" story. If this was supposedly his first crack at Bears Paws, then he just found a creative way to dodge punishment ... and it's now in the papers for every other poacher to follow suit.

Edit: I read his "The Truth". His explanation was indeed that a number "somehow got selected incorrect [sic] when submitting my draw application." I made an incorrect selection when applying for my tags this year and wound up with only a Come Home to Hunt general elk combo tag instead of the usual elk and deer combo. Of course the error was easy to pin on me as only one tag arrived and my chequing account records showed I paid for only an elk combo. He claims he had been applying for the same Bear Paws tag for fifteen years. It is understandable that he would just assume the tag he received in the mail was for that unit without really looking at it. The power of wishful expectation. Presumably the error was not discovered until he posted his photo on Instagram. I think part of the deal for a reduced fine should have been for him to take down the photo and explanation. Obviously he wants to clean his image as much as possible but I think keeping the story alive only points the way for others to try the same thing. A celebrity should have been more attentive. Lots of examples of others that aren't (Uncle Ted). Surely Stirling bragged up his draw success when the tag he coveted for fifteen years arrived in the mail? Surprises me that someone in his internet fan club didn't check and pick up on the error. Or did he NOT brag it up? Now, that would be suspicious. Presumably, Stirling lost his points accumulation so that is some additional punishment. Doubtful he'll be drawing a bull tag in that area in the extended future.
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The one you’re thinking of got his parents to pay off his wife to drop the charges….it quietly went away. I seen a couple of the videos and they were fuc*ing sad.
Dropping the charges ain't happening up here. No longer an option. Guy beats on his wife he's charged and going to jail even if the cops have to put her in handcuffs to get him out of the house. This should be the law everywhere. Man, I hated dealing with that domestic crap when I was a military cop. Too many times I wound up fighting her and him. When it's a battle on two fronts, I just called on my black friend for assistance ... meet Johnny Nightstick!
Calm down OH. WOOSA. There's one thing we agree on it's that stuff isn't acceptable unfortunately in a world of almost 8 billion people there's gonna be a few of those POS. Pretty unfortunate for sure.
Guys, maybe you know Sterling more than I. I met him a few occasions and he was extremely helpful with my endeavor to harvest a wolf.

While many instantly hammer him for his actions which he pled guilty, sometimes stupid shit happens and he was at fault. Excused himself in a defensive manner that that tosses up a flag though not sure that flag plays the same as an average joe/Jane many are not prepped with a PR team ready to spin and some may be pissed shit hit him with the public persona of people crapping on him for what, IMO, find it hard to believe someone of his self built popularity would publicly post such with the knowledge he did such illegally... I find it a bit of a step back on instant condemnation.

Though -

Ya, ya... I 100% agree - he's certainly at fault. He made a defensive excuse that the internet would find fault (regardless) as... well, that's the internet.

I know I'm not going to win over any of you. Not my intent though I'm a pretty good judge of character, sure to be wrong on occasion, and this may be one though...

Well hell- to each his / her own.
With fines that low, it doesn't make any sense to hire an outfitter. Just go to a primo unit and shoot a big one!
what a fine! Great way to encourage moose poaching. Let's see...... pay for points for over a decade, plus a hefty nonresident tag fee, and maybe draw a tag. Naw, just go shoot a big one and pay the fine, it's cheaper than a tag and outfitter.
SMFH.. I can't believe people try and pull that kinda shit. Couple slaps on the wrists...

The moose incident should've been lifetime ban.
Agreed lifetime ban when there is blatant poaching. This was not a case of this criminal had a valid license but the moose was 100 feet beyond an unmarked boundary or was 5 minutes after shooting light or he was 100 square inches short of the visible orange clothing rule when had his backpack on or failed to sign his license or several other errors that can arise during fair chase but for which the hunter can be punished. Poaching is theft the same as if had walked out of Cabela's with the nicest rifle in their gun vault room. Felony. Jail time. Hefty fine and forfeiture of any items involved in the commission of the poaching including his weapon, truck, etc. Poachers are not feeding their starving families and even if were poaching to eat when starving is still poaching.

I am old enough to recall drunks driving home at 10 mph while swerving with the police car following them with lights on so everyone knew to get to the side of the road and the police could make sure the drunk got home okay. No ticket. I recall men beating the crap out of their spouse and not being charged since was not reasonable to ticket or jail a drunk guy or if he had a bad day at work so was just blowing off steam. Multiple times saw this. I recall a drunk hitting a pedestrian in a crosswalk and no charges filed as you can't hold a driver accountable when they are too drunk to see the pedestrian. Why ruin the drunk's life when they were impaired so unable to really understand what they did. It was unintentional, right? Yeeesh.

Well, thankfully, society in America eventually moved away from alcohol or a bad day at work is an excuse for shitty behavior. Not only are penalties now enforced but in some cases are expanded in degree of punishment. I hope more judges handling wildlife cases treat blatant poaching as a serious crime and legislatures provide tougher laws for those judges.

Put. Them. In. Jail.
Take. Their. Stuff.
Ban. Them. From. Hunting.

Some history relevant to this.

"The Truth"??? about as remorseful as Brian "They really don't have much of a case, but I plead guilty" Call.

I don't know what the Gritty Sentence is/was, but given it's a well known personality in the hunting industry, it should be more.
Sheesh... the more I read and review the 2020 regs and someone's comment here... the simple and exciting FWP page of all pages: Successful or unsuccessful.
I really don't want to believe it though it's stacked to a level Lucas, as a skilled hunter should have known. 690-21 is either a yea or nay...
Pretty disappointed.

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