More on Bush Docs: Proof their fake


I think they all decided the last couple of days that IBM was making a typewriter for the GSA that had been tested in 68 and was in use in Texas Guard in the 70's. I don't think anybody is still hanging on the computer conspiracy....
Presidential hopeful John Kerry is planning to fight back by releasing an ad with the National Guardsmen who did not serve with George Bush. “Why are the Democrats so mad at the ads with those who did not serve with Kerry, and so interested in those who did not serve with me?” asked President Bush at a rare, heavily restricted, Fox News press conference.

No, I don't think I would bother to bring the documents to court, there would be no need. It would be far more convincing to see Dubya under oath, explaining when and where he ever showed up for Guard Duty in Alabama....

I am pretty sure I could win any case by putting Dubya on the stand....

To my mind, the authenticity of the documents is a smoke screen, and the documents told us nothing we already didn't know. We knew Dubya got a coveted slot in the TANG over 500 more deserving candidates.

We knew he didn't take his physical despite orders.

We knew he didn't show up in Alabama.

Why would the GOP even try and keep this in the forefront as an issue, when it just reminds everyone of the facts.
"heavily restricted" = by invitation only.....usually just your friends who will write or say only good things about you.....certainly nothing with satire! ;)
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

No, I don't think I would bother to bring the documents to court, there would be no need. It would be far more convincing to see Dubya under oath, explaining when and where he ever showed up for Guard Duty in Alabama....

I am pretty sure I could win any case by putting Dubya on the stand....
Not if the jury stays awake! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Gunner you seriously think you could outwitt a politition??? I know lawyers have a big ego... but that would be like david and goliath...

[ 09-14-2004, 10:55: Message edited by: Bambistew ]
Next time, check Ebay.

This auction is for a vintage IBM Selectric 72 typewriter. This is one of the early Selectrics produced in the early 1960s, a Model 7X. Now you can create those forged documents right the very first time. We will ship at no charge for Buy It Now buyers.

Yes, this is the one CBS should have used to forge there documents. So to give your forged documents that original look use the original equipment. All you need is some old typing paper to give your forged documents that unique original professional look!
"Rather Rides Out Latest Partisan Storm
In the week since the Sept. 8 report on the newsmagazine "60 Minutes," Rather has twice gone on the air to defend his reporting and the documents, which critics have argued couldn't have been produced by the typewriter technology commonly in use at the time. Tuesday, CBS News executives were preparing yet another rebuttal, expected to be released today......"
Schieffer: CBS needs to prove memos on Bush were authentic
By Dave Dreeszen, Journal business editor

CBS News' Bob Schieffer said Tuesday he hopes the network does more reporting to definitively prove the authenticity of memos 60 Minutes II received about President Bush's service in the Air National Guard.

"I think we have to find some way to show our viewers they are not forgeries,'' Schieffer, CBS' chief Washington correspondent and host of the network's "Face the Nation,'' said at a news conference in Sioux City. "I don't know how we're going to do that without violating the confidentiality of sources.''

Schieffer was responding to a 60 Minutes II report last week that referenced memos allegedly written by Bush's former squadron commander, the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian. The typed memos were part of anchor Dan Rather's investigation that asserted Bush benefited from political favoritism in getting into the Air National Guard.

But there has been growing evidence that the documents are forgeries, with national news organizations citing dozens of inconsistencies, ranging from different word-processing techniques to conflicting military terminology.

CBS has stood by its story, with Rather saying there is "no definitive evidence'' that has emeged to prove the documents are fake.

"He is very confident of his sources,'' said Schieffer, who has talked to Rather daily during the flap. "He says he is absolutely convinced these documents are real.''

CBS, which has declined to reveal the source of the memos, has pointed to its own experts who have verified that documents could have been produced on typewriters of the 1970s. But the Washington Post reported Tuesday that the lead expert CBS retained said he examined only Killian's signature and made no attempt to authenticate the documents themselves.

Casting further doubt on the documents, the Dallas Morning News reported Saturday that the officer named in a memo as exerting pressure to "sugar coat'' Bush's record had retired from the Texas Air National Guard 1.5 years before the memo was dated. Killian's widow and son also have told reporters that they doubt he wrote the memos, they did not come from his personal possessions and that he admired Bush while in served in the Air National Guard.

Though Schieffer discounted suggestions that Rather received fraudulent documents, he acknowledged the source could have been a Bush opponent.

"People ask me, 'Do I think somebody was trying to set up Dan Rather?' I say, "No that's completely out of the question,'' said Schieffer, who addressed the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce's annual dinner/meeting Tuesday night. "Would somebody do this in an effort to smear George Bush? That may be so. We're in the middle of a political campaign, and this would not be the first campaign where somebody on one side slipped something to a reporter because he feels it would hurt the guy on the other side.''


September 15, 2004 -- A master forger-turned-crimebuster who has taken a look at CBS anchor Dan Rather's documents about President Bush's National Guard service says they're such obvious fakes that they're a joke.

Ex-forger Frank Abagnale — played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the 2002 Steven Spielberg movie "Catch Me If You Can" — scoffed: "If my forgeries looked as bad as the CBS documents, it would have been, 'Catch Me In Two Days.' "

Abagnale hasn't examined the actual documents — CBS won't release them — but from what he's seen on TV, they're "evident" forgeries, he said in an e-mail to Internet blogger Robin Juhl that was confirmed by his office.

In his life of crime over 35 years ago, Abagnale cashed $2.5 million in fraudulent checks in every state and 26 foreign countries over five years. By forging documents and other means, he successfully posed as an airline pilot, lawyer, professor and pediatrician.

After he was finally caught and did several years in jail, Abagnale was released on condition that he'd help the feds for free, which he has done as an FBI consultant.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee is featuring Rather in a new anti-Bush attack ad that it unveiled yesterday — at the very time that the CBS anchor's credibility is under heavy fire over "Memogate."

More than a dozen respected document experts — more every day — say Rather's memos are crude computer fakes, but CBS is standing by Rather's story.

The former secretary to the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, who supposedly wrote the memos, yesterday said they're fakes. But Marian Carr Knox, 86, told the Dallas Morning News that she feels they accurately reflect Killian's views, though his widow disagrees.

The DNC's decision to use Rather in its anti-Bush ad had many Democrats as well as Republicans shaking their heads.

"They're acting as if they just scream louder, people will listen and it doesn't work," said a disgruntled Democratic strategist who sees the 30-year-old Guard issue as a loser since voters care about the future.

But DNC strategist Howard Wolfson claimed to Fox News that "it's working" because a Newsweek poll shows a decline in Bush's credibility. Bush still led Kerry by 6 points in that poll.

CBS has refused to discuss its source. When The Post asked if CBS could rule out a Democrat with Kerry ties as its source, a senior network official replied: "I can't answer that" — and hung up.

Copyright 2004 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.
Yeah Rather is riding out a partisan storm, his credibility is so clean... NOT

CBS with Dan Rather produced the fraudulent 1988 documentary, "The Wall Within" which portrayed Vietnam veterans as seriously ill misfits, war criminals and losers. When confronted with evidence that the ex-soldiers that starred in this film were untruthful and most had not even served in combat, CBS refused to retract the story. The documentary was also included in a videotape collection on the Vietnam War produced by CBS and distributed to colleges as a factual history. After their misinformation was exposed, this tape mysteriously vanished from the shelves and is no longer available for purchase or included as part of the set.
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