More Montana Sheep Captures


I wish there was a way to make sheep hunting more difficult in most of MT's areas. It would sure help with the drawing odds...

I just cant come up with a way to create more opportunity (issue more tags). I think you're on the right track with trying to make it tougher to hunt sheep...its just the country and habitat in Montana doesnt allow it.

At least you're thinking about it compared to your fellow 'rooter....
You have trouble absorbing anything I say, don't you.

Back at you. I think we're finially communicating! In a weird abstract way.

I wish there was a way to make sheep hunting more difficult in most of MT's areas. It would sure help with the drawing odds...
There is, weapon restrictions, everyone has to go to a Louisville slugger
sheep give-away

I see in article posted on MSN news that Colorado has been trading their bighorn sheep for moose to Utah,,,,,,,,,why do we continue to give ours away,,,,,,I saw in an earlier post that Utah has supported our local FWNAS,,,,I wondered if who ever posted that had details,,,,,I'd never heard of that,,,,,,we contiue to lose permits on the Rocky Mt. Front for rams and wondered why some sheep aren't returned to those areas...,,,,,?????
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