More Misadventures of the Nut Family

Dont worry Darren... it wont be the first or last time someone falls asleep in the woods.

ScreaminReel juts cant buy a break in his pursuit of his first whitetail. First he shoots over a 10 pointer last weekend. This past weekend he had one at 10 feet and couldnt get the safety off the crossbow to shoot it. Then when he did get a chance to fire at one the next day he shoots 10 feet in front of it.

When he shoots either his compound or one of the crossbows he is dead on.

Then for me, I went with LittleNut Saturday the closest the deer got was 60 yards. His time will come also.

Then Sunday I had 3 fields to choose from. Deer came out in 2 of them. Guess which one I was in.
NUT... 3 words my Friend...


Good stories !!! Luck will come with the hard work you're doing, Stick to it !!
More misadventures again.

I learned to never hunt on public lands the weekend before the special area primitive season starts(tomorrow).

Early Saturday TurkeyEye and I went into a area and tried a couple things. All we saw was a red fox but that was worth the trip.
Then later I still was able to put a stalk on 3 does at the other end of the cornfield from where I was set up. (right area wrong spot)

You know how hard it is to stalk a deer carrying a chair, a compound bow and holding your pants up?
That is what I tried because I only had 15 minutes of shooting time left and didnt want to go back to get the chair.
I actually got to within 25 yards and the chair on the ground. Right when I was putting my mechanical release on the string is when they snorted and wheezed and left.

I loved it. I still was shaking when Vipe picked me up at the road 15 minutes later.

She and TurkeyEye had a opportunity and was busted by the people scouting.

Sunday(today) was fun despite the last minute scouters. ScreaminReel and TurkeyEye was able to get between 2 groups of deer but neither cam towards them.

LittleNut and I just wasted the time in the vehicle talking.

We did meet a few good people that set up camp at the primitive area. (Never saw it so crowded)

One thing that was funny was when my dog went up to a retired police officer and pissed on his leg. Lmao

Then there was the sign that pointed to the left to give directions down the road to the campground. I decided to lighten the load a little by pointing the arrow sign straight up a different road. Must of worked because I saw a couple of campers going straight down the wrong road. hmmmmm I still didnt see them when I left. LMAO

Oh I also did find a Gerber foldup knife.
Here is where I missed on my doe here in Ohio. I was in the grass at the treeline about 30 yards away from treeline and about 60 yards from the right of where the tall grass ends at the right of the pic.

Yeti GOBOX Collection

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