more info about the land grab

I just got back from the meeting in Zortman. Neither Tester or Baucus' had anyone there. Only Congressman Rehberg had some one there. No one was happy with giving away the BLM public lands in the Grinnell notch. The Grinnell Notch is the only oasis left that is public lands in North central Montana That has Mtns and places for The public to hunt and ride there Horses or Atv's Not saying anything about the Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Whitetail or Mule Deer hunting. I think its time to send Tester back to his farm. He is sure not doing the job for us in Montana.

Little extreme don't you think? Do you really want to compare Tester to Rehberg on issues that effect sportsman.

You do remember the Simpson/Tester rider, and the fact that old Denny, and crew tried to kill it? How about Hr. 1505, where most environmental laws wouldn't apply across the state for 100 miles south of the Canadian line. Where Home Land Security came out "against" Rehbergs co sponsored bill, or maybe Hr. 1581 where all wilderness study lands would be released for development. I can go on and on.

MSA had a meeting with Testers people last Saturday. They claim this thing is far from what it will look like by the time it runs it course to a vote. We gave them some ideas to work with, and also let them know that losing lands we hunt and fish on are not acceptable.

Curious why Rehbergs people would have showed up for that meeting. Who put it on?
The meeting was set up by the Phillips county Commissioners. We also had one from Blaine county They set invites out to all three only Dennis had one there. The other two were AOL.
Shoots how would you feel if Tester gave 30,000 acers of the Bitteroot to the Flatheads?
Jon Tester is quietly robbing Montana sportsmen and those who want to hunt here. Senator Tester has sponsored a bill called the Fort Belknap Water compact. That will take 58,585 acres away from every sportsman trying to hunt Montana on MT state and BLM lands in the Little Rocky Mountains known as the Grinnell notch. By the way, this also takes away a world class Bighorn Sheep herd.

How did this begin? In the 1980's the US Government paid the Fort Belknap Indian tribe $4,265,000 as a settlement on the Grinnell area, with the understanding that this closed the matter. Fast forward to 2011 and now the US government says they owe them more - $500 million. And we should pay them the money . The catch? The Montana public has been using these lands since1896. To give up our public lands anyway is just wrong. Some tribal members have made it known they'd prefer the full dollar settlement, anyway. We need to tell Senator Tester to just pay the Fort Belkap tribe the settlement and stop giving our public lands away. They can print more money - we can't make more public lands.

Danny Moore
Kalispell Mt.

Here is a copy of my letter to the editoir I just sent out to the newspapers in Montana)
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Shoots how would you feel if Tester gave 30,000 acers of the Bitteroot to the Flatheads?

I'd feel just as bad about giving away any public lands (off reservation) to any tribe.

I'm just saying remember which politician has done more for sportsman. If Tester's bill doesn't get modified then crucify him.

Rehberg tried to kill the Wolf rider, and close state lands he leased. He is also trying to get around environmental laws by passing the "Homeland Security Bill" HR.1505.

He also tried to undermine lands we all hunt on by passing the wilderness lands release act. Hr 1581.

Testers people claim that this bill is just the beginning stage, and the end result will look different. I don't have a problem with giving public lands in lieu of payment, that are inside the reservations boundaries.

Stay engaged, but remember who your promoting.
Hello, it's been a few years, but Fort Belknap is up to their old tricks. They mouthed off lately in the letter fining Luke Ployhar for mining without a permit, please read the article. Tester submitted the Fort Belknap Water Settlement Bill S.1911 that contains the giveaway of the Grinnell Notch land. Sold by tribe in 1890's at a premium price, paid again in the 1980's to the tune of approx. $4.25 million and now the tribe wants the land given to them for $0. Yes for nothing. No they were paid in 1890's a fair price, game over, period!!! Jon Tester is carrying this Water Bill that is corrupt!! Sounds like a typical corrupt politician!!! And it is corrupt!!! Tester needs to learn his lesson, honesty is in, corrupt goes home!!! We don't need dirty people like Jon Tester in our government. P.S. this was done for the Indian vote for him!!! Another dirty politician!!
Hello, it's been a few years, but Fort Belknap is up to their old tricks. They mouthed off lately in the letter fining Luke Ployhar for mining without a permit, please read the article. Tester submitted the Fort Belknap Water Settlement Bill S.1911 that contains the giveaway of the Grinnell Notch land. Sold by tribe in 1890's at a premium price, paid again in the 1980's to the tune of approx. $4.25 million and now the tribe wants the land given to them for $0. Yes for nothing. No they were paid in 1890's a fair price, game over, period!!! Jon Tester is carrying this Water Bill that is corrupt!! Sounds like a typical corrupt politician!!! And it is corrupt!!! Tester needs to learn his lesson, honesty is in, corrupt goes home!!! We don't need dirty people like Jon Tester in our government. P.S. this was done for the Indian vote for him!!! Another dirty politician!!
I would not be for the tribes being given a single penny more on principle.

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