More Firsts!!!!!!


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I just got back last night from 4 days of upland bird hunting in South Dakota. I shot my first pheasant, greater prairie chicken, and sharptail grouse on this trip! In 4 days of hunting we shot 41 birds. Well, actually I did ALOT more shooting than hitting, but did get better as the hunt went along. Looks like I'll be investing in some sporting clays time before next year! :D

My First Prairie Chicken:

My first sharptail:

My first pheasants (not all are mine):

Day 1 total:

Day 2 total:

Day 3 total:

Day 4 total:
One Pointer. Good looking pictures and congrats on the fine looking birds also. Looks like a good first time was had by all. Ahhh you never forget the first!!!!:cool: :D :D or the last:eek:.
Nice going on the birds pointer. That looks like it must have been a great time. The pictures came out fantastic.

BTW......Where is your Hunt Talk hat?
Way to go Tyler, looks like you did a little damage in SD. I am headed that direction in a couple of days to chase the furry critters.
mtmiller said:
I am headed that direction in a couple of days to chase the furry critters.
.........:D :D :D

Pointer, Congrats on the assortment of Birdies !!!!! Looks like the trip payed off !! I hope you didn't chase the Furry critters while you were there, or at least didn't let the Mail order bride find out :p

Kudos bud !!
There was some furry critter chasing done, but I was just the wing-man. My job was to draw 'fire' from the fat, ugly friends so the others could close in on the bogey's! They call me Goose!!! ;)

Ithaca- Yep, I'm enjoying this bird hunting...well for me it's more of shooting, but that's how it goes. ;)
Great looking pics 1 pointer! Quite a variety of birdies in S. Dakota.

A bird safari is on my to do list. Did you guys pay tresspass fees and do lodging on your own? Curious as how the logistics went.
We hunted most of the time on public land, Pierre National Grasslands, but the pheasants came off up both private and public. We got permission on the private just by asking, no $$ involved. There are quite a few walk-in areas also, where the F&G has purchased the hunting privledges on private lands. We'll be heading back next year, but only for a short stop in Pierre for a chicken or two then we'll go farther east to the better pheasant hunting. I'll let you know once it gets closer as I'm almost certain that one more guy with a dog would be welcomed. :D Lodging was in Pierre at a hotel as most there accept dogs, plus the honky-tonks were that much closer!!! ;)
Lodging was in Pierre at a hotel as most there accept dogs, plus the honky-tonks were that much closer!!!

Tyler, I told you there are no honky-tonks in SD. :rolleyes: We have bars only. Next time you need to think about a trip across the river to the Hopscotch. Talk about a class place. ;) It is also a different time zone, so that extra hour of drinking comes in handy. :D
From the reports we got of the Hopscotch, the extra hour of drinking would be needed!!

You don't have honky-tonks and you don't propery count the number of tines on deer! What's next, you don't shop at Caballos? ;)