
Moosies Sheep hunt, Pics and Vid

Congrat's and super awesome job moosie....And T-Bone !!

You know it's I am, Friday evening, on the plains of ND, glassing some Antelope.....when I see someone else pull up and park a ways from me, and start glassing in the same direction at the same herd buck I'm after.....well being somewhat territorial....err, Primal....I make like that big buck and decide I better go establish my dominance in this area also, LOL.....I didn't lift a leg and whiz on his tires though....I did that in my scrape minutes before... :D

Turns out the fella is a fellow Hunt-Talker
...and I can't remember his user name(I think it's Buschy), but I'm sure he'll chime in....right was great to meet you.

......and that's how I first heard of Moosie's fantastic achievement....he got His RAM
!! Man, news travels fast.....and to every little nook and cranny......even on the flatlands of ND, LMBO :cool:

[ 09-13-2004, 10:51: Message edited by: iminrut ]
Fuggin AWESOME Oscar & T-Bone! Felt like I was there (except I still have my toenails....) along with ya! Thanks for sharing- hell you even brought Greenhorn out of hiding ;)