Yeti GOBOX Collection

Moosie Update...


Dec 30, 2003
So, I pick him up this morning at his familys house. I pull into the driveway and sit for a minute and wait patiently for the front door to open and him to walk out to it. A few seconds pass and the garage door opens.. im like wtf? So.. I see moosie walk out of the garage and on the floor is his bed roll? Again, wtf! I don't even ask.... Just kinda laugh.

This video will show the rest of the pre-scouting. I have to say one thing though. We called in a different bull to about 30 yards and Moosie is frantically grabbing his camera. He trys changing the lense to his camera and I hear it fall in the dirt. I start laughing and he finally gets his camera in order. Moosie stands up, and puts his camera to his eye to take a quck picture. As he is pressing the button, nothing happenens. He finally gets to take one picture of the bull and as he hits the button, this GIGANTIC flash pops up on top of his camera and blinds the bull. Scared the hell out of him, me and EVERYTHING else in that valley.... Dork

Watch the video...

High resolution

Or, Low resolution..
Nice vid Mr. Tine...rated "G" for Goofy! (Course that's the mooseman).

280 aren't you gonna bust Moosies chops for being in shorts or is that applicable to just the cheesheads on the board...
I see Moosie's one trip to the gym with IDBugler paid off big time...."most people pay good money for that".....what a crock!

Good luck Moose man. I hope you shoot that 5x6 or whatever it was you scouted.

Funny video Browtine. I imagine there will be lots more where that one came from after this weekend's hunt.
280 aren't you gonna bust Moosies chops for being in shorts or is that applicable to just the cheesheads on the board...

Thats why we wore it.

Alright, It's browtines story, I haven't seenthe clip yet. But I do have to say I rolled into Utah at 3AM had some kidsthat woke up and while Vivki took one, Itook the baby and nextthing I know it's 4:05AM and my wife takes the little guy from me and I go to bed. 5:00 (55 minslater the alarm goes off. All my cloths and supplies are in te garage so I'm there in my shorts and flip flops. I send Browtine 2 messages and at 5:14 nothing. with garage door open I wait. Which he usually is on time. So I grab my sleeping bag put it under my head and with 55 mins of sleep fall asleep in about .1 seconds.

5:19 the headlights wake me up. I jump up and grab my chizz and someone had forgotten their phone. Really , who forgets crap like that. Well, except for me, that went scouting thismorning and forgot my Spotting scope in the garage :D

Browtine spots all the game again and calls 2 bulls right in. I did fumble with the Camera and had 3 len's but dropedthem all and grabbed the cam-corder for footage. There was a spike that came in on the other side and I grabbed my camera and the flash was on.... CRAP, as thebull turned around it was blinded and hit a tree going away ..... OOPS , maybe the flash was not needed !!!

I get home, lay down for a few hour nap and within 1/2 hour Buzz calls and wakes me up. Fortunately it was good news. IDB doesn't even know yet, or didn't till I called him 15 mins ago. He's excited for him.

So, 55 min's last night, 30 mins today and now playingwith kids till 5PM tonight when we go scout again. Sleep would be good.... but I am to busy counting elk :p
Hey.. I talked to IDB and he's running late. Not going to be at cabela's till 5:30 or 6.... I told him we're ditching him if he's not here by 6.

I have my truck keys in your truck, so.... swing by here at 5, or sooner.... I'm a walking zombie !!!! We'll load up and go back to cabela's and wait. I showed my wife that video and she is worried it was a poinonous plant. I told her I read the survival section before we left and I knew it was edible ;)
HAHAHA... Dont expect mouth to mouth from me or IDB.

And.... I will bring the head lamp.. you just need some AAA batteries. Be there in an hour.
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