
Moosie and DUCK hunting........


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I was up till 1 AM on chat sharing lies with 1-pointer... 4 AM came quick ... I met Dinger at the gas station and went out to the place. It was my first trip going hunting for these flying critters so I didn't know what to expect. WE got all the stuff out and cannoed over to the island. We got all the Decoys set up. Below in the GEESE decoys and the duck decoys respectivly



Duck hunting has set times when you can start shooting.... Dinger told me usually ducks come in before the shooting time and fly off.... WELL.. he said it was Legal time and I figured we would wait another hour or so... Only 3 mins went by and DUCKS came in though.. HE said "TAKE UM" so we both unloaded and well... No ducks fell but it was fun. We hadn't waited long enough for them to get close enuf....

We waited for a few groups throughoiut the morning.. SOME we waited too long.. others not enuf. Dinger got the first female and I shot the second out of the same group[..... Not having a dog, As the bird was FALLING, I ran over to find it in the TOELIES (SP?). I have knocked a bird down a few times pheasant hunting and never found it. SO, I made a B-line and got it.... Dinger was impressed ;) with 2 birds by the feet we had to watch out.. only 2 females each can be taken.

We blasted a frew times and Dinger wacked another female. Not greenheads to our name yet.... finnally Dinger got one and I got one.... We headed over the pond to get one he knocked down.. but it got in the bushes quick and we searched and Searched.... Meanwhile overhead a bird came over and Dinger SHOT it.... another greenhead to his name

WELL.... I walked around the island and we just FLAT out had fun !!!! It started to rain and the duckes were flying constantly...

We seen Geese but none came into our setup. I went to cross the river just before leaving and a Group of 15-20 came in.. Even with me in the open, they almost came all the way in... I should have stayed seated.... Ohhh well *SMILE*

Here is Dinger (ELK TURD) and me with a few ducks..



THIS is a picture of Dinger at the truck when we got back........


All in all we had a good time, I had to be back by noon do to prior comitments (WIFE hehe) but in a few hours we had NON-STOP fun !!!!
If ya look at the 2nd picture, with the DUCK decoys.. that tip of the land is were the Duck Dinger shot swam too notice how thick the brush is !!!! Him and me walked across the water :D to get to the island, the water was only 1'-3' deep there......

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