Yeti GOBOX Collection

Moosie ??? about kodiak??


I put in for Tok and a couple 14c hunts for sheep and 3 areas for goats here on the island. Started a new job so I'll only have a week to do it if I draw. The goats I can do on weekends, but the sheep will take all of a week. Did you throw your hat in the ring?

BuzzH said:

It was the same way with the guys we went with. They wouldnt even glass deer from the boat and they made sure to tell us several times they were only transporters.

I think the Guides and Outfitters are a bunch of crybabies in AK...just like everywhere else. They cant stand the thought of anyone going hunting by themselves. Its just another way to rip-off the transporters, the do-it-yourself hunters, and non-residents.

I know AK couldnt allow unlimited NR tags to be issued for sheep and brown bear...but why not allow some NR tags (for grizzly, brown bear, sheep, and goat) to be drawn through a lottery that allow you to hunt on your own?

Welfare for outfitters...plain and simple

I personally think the remaining 49 states should require every resident of AK to hire a guide to hunt ANYTHING in the lower 48...fair is fair.

What about the crybaby guides and outfitters of the Vast Wyoming Wilderness? Lets make it Wyoming and AK.:D

I Love that sheep pic. In that goat pic it looks like you are about 2 inches away from the cliff edge, don't lean back
TBinKodiak said:

I put in for Tok and a couple 14c hunts for sheep and 3 areas for goats here on the island. Started a new job so I'll only have a week to do it if I draw. The goats I can do on weekends, but the sheep will take all of a week. Did you throw your hat in the ring?

I put in for 473/472/471 on the island for goats. Hope I bump into you in October.:D

I agree, dumb law...and another case of state endorsed welfare for outfitters.

Just like landowner sponsored tags in NM and CO...just like the outfitter sponsored elk/deer tags in Montana...the list goes on and on.
How about a non-res not even being able to draw for Elk or Antelope in CA ?

Or a resident from Arky not being able to buy a hunting license in Oklahoma ?

Or Oregon's 2% non-res cap on some hunts and 5% on most ?

Nevada is very restrictive in the non-resident hunting arena.

States do have the right to regulate their game they way they want .... which is usually in favor of their residents .....

The Alaska guide law has been in affect since the statehood act back in the late 50's. It is to stimulate economy for the AK bush people and it is no secret. It has become in recent years a very important management tool. Laws and law changes are a very public process. The Guides are only a small piece of the pie in the decision making process. In no way do Guides rule the regulatory process. If the majority of Alaskan residents did not want a guide law it would not be there. There are few non-resident hunters (in comparison to most western states) in Ak anyway.

The Board of Game in recent years has even been taking the hard-core stand (beyond the Guide requirements) and closed areas to all non-resident hunting.

I predict that the non-resident hunter will face more restrictions in the future .... not less ... all across the west.

You cant be serious...

I've attended G&F meetings in several dont think the various Outfitters Associatians have any influence with Game Commissioners, the Various DOW departments?

Go sell crazy somewhere else.

Check into the backgrounds of a majority of each commission in the various Western States...heavily represented by OUTFITTERS, GUIDES, REAL-ESTATE REPS, LANDOWNERS (who half the time have family members in the guiding business, etc.), RANCHERS, FARMERS...oh and yeah, one member of the commission will usually be some average joe hunter...(have to save face and say EVERYONE is represented)...Yeah...Sure.

Oh, and dont forget, I dont have a choice in picking the commission...its a politically appointed position by the Governor.

Sportsmen, biologists, and wildlife = dead in the water against corruption of the various commissions.

Those are the facts of doing business in "wildlife management" in todays Western States.
C'mon Johnnie...NR's have a huge chance now in Kali thanks to Arnie!


Signed 9/29/06. It is for both elk and antelope.

This bill would authorize any person generally, without regard to
residency, to obtain an antelope or elk license tag if certain
requirements are met. The bill would also require the commission on
or before July 1, 2007, and by regulation, to fix the antelope
license tag fee for a nonresident of the state at not less than $350
and to fix the elk license tag fee for a nonresident of the state at
not less than $1050. The bill would limit the number of tags issued
annually to nonresidents to one antelope tag and one elk tag.

Doubt the odds will jump dramatically on my Grizzly Island Tule bull tag....
Buzz ....

I was speaking of Alaskan F&G rules and regs as being a very public process. I don't know what goes on in Idaho or Wy.

The Alaska Pro Hunters Assoc. is the only guide lobby we have. It is only a small piece of the pie when it comes to the rule making. The State made sure that all stakeholders sat at the table to form the new Guide Law that went into affect last Jan 1st, July 1st and the rest on Jan 1st '07. I do know that at the Brown Bear (unit 4) meetings that took place not long ago to plan the Brown Bear strategy for the future there was even non-resident participation.

So ..... I am sorry I am very serious. For you to blame the Guides mainly for the Alaska Guide Law is ridiculous.
Do you have a list of your Game Commissioners in AK and what they do for a living?

We'll see then how "fair" the commission is...
TBinKodiak said:

I put in for Tok and a couple 14c hunts for sheep and 3 areas for goats here on the island. Started a new job so I'll only have a week to do it if I draw. The goats I can do on weekends, but the sheep will take all of a week. Did you throw your hat in the ring?


Yah, first time I've been able to apply for sheep tags in a few years. TMA, DCUA, and 14C. I have a pretty good area for goat that is a registration hunt. Good luck to you.
mtmiller said:
I put in for 473/472/471 on the island for goats. Hope I bump into you in October.:D

Good luck on your draw miller.
This was taken from the state website. Biographies are unavailable on 3 of the members. I added in what info I could find out myself. Hope this is helpful. P.S. The Board of Fisheries is a whole other ball of wax.

Ron Somerville - Chair (Is under fire for making what some people considered racist comments towards Alaska Natives)
Employment work history – paid, unpaid or voluntary:
24 years ADF&G
1 ½ years Wildlife Legislative Fund of America
5 ½ years Executive Director Alaska Outdoor Council
14 years Commercial Fisherman
10 years Charter Sport Fishing
8 years Natural Resource Consultant

Cliff Judkins - Vice Chair
Work Experience:
Sept. 1998 to Present
Retired – Performing volunteer functions. Five year member of the Matanuska-Susitna Fish and Game Advisory Committee. The last year as chairman.
Served as the President of the Alaska Boating Association since 1998.
1987-1998 – Owner operator of Wasilla Mini-Storage.
1973-1986 BUILDER, OWNER, OPERATOR Judkins Crown Point Lodge
Moose Pass, Alaska
1983-1986 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Moose Pass, Alaska
June 1969-Nov 1974 – Director of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality.
Jan. 1964-June 1969 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department. April 1 1963-Nov. 1 1963 Biologist –Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Jan. 1963-March 1963 Sanitarian – Greater Anchorage Area Health District.
Feb. 1962-Oct. 1962. California Department of Water Resources. Sept. 1960-Jan. 1962 Humboldt State College, Arcata Ca. – Bachelor of Science Degree in Wildlife Management
1958-1960 – Santa Rosa California Junior College

Ben Grussendorf - Member (term expires March 1, 2007)
Governing Experience:
Served in the Alaska House of Representatives from 1980-00, in various capacities including: Speaker of the House (1985-87, 1987-88, 1991-92); Chair of the Rules Committee, member of the Finance Committee, and the Special Committee on Fisheries.
Also served two terms as Mayor of the City and Borough of Sitka, and two terms as Sitka City and Borough Assembly Member.
Served as a member of the Alaska Municipal League Legislative Committee; President of the Alaska Conference of Mayors; Chair of the Municipal Finance and Utility Committee; Chair of the Sitka Charter Commission; and member of the National Education Association.
Teaching Experience:
Teacher and instructor in national, state and local government/social sciences at Sitka High School and Sitka Community College.

Ted Spraker - Member
I worked for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for five months, three in Southeast and two at the Kenai Moose Research Center in 1973.

I was hired by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game on February 1, 1974, following one month of volunteer work. I worked in the Anchorage office for eight months before being promoted to Assistant Wildlife Biologist and transferred to Glennallen.

In July 1978, I was promoted to Area Wildlife Biologist and transferred to Soldotna as the biologist for the Kenai Peninsula. I remained in that position until I retired June 1, 2002, 28 years 4 months service.

Richard Burley - Member (No Biography Available) (A retired printer from Fairbanks is all I could find)

Bob Bell - Member (No Biography Available) Civil engineer from Anchorage was appointed at the last minute by the departing governer. His term expires on March 1, 2007. It is widely accepted that Gov Palin will appoint someone else as Mr. Bell has no prior experience with the game board.

Paul Johnson - Member (No Biography Available)(All I could find out was he is a life-long rural resident of Unalakleet - - - However, he is NOT to be confused with the Paul Johnson who is a professional guide in SE Alaska and is on the Big Game advisory Council)
Fish and Game laws are passed by the BOG (above post) or the Legistlature or by the ADF&G by emergency order. The BGCS only has power over the Guide and Transporter laws.

There is a Federal Board that makes laws pertaining to Federal F&G laws on Federal lands in Alaska. It is made up of the heads of the 5 Federal agencies that are in Alaska.

This is the Big Game Commercial Services Board ... this board has the power of law and oversees the Guides and Transporter rules and regs. By law there has to be 2 private landholders (native corps); 2 licensed Transporters;2 Licensed Guides; 2 public members at large; and 1 rep from the BOG.

Ralph Andersen -
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
P.O. Box 1177
Dillingham, AK 99576 Private Landholder 3/1/08

Colin B. Brown
Yukon Eagle Air
P.O. Box 203
Galena, AK 99741 Licensed Transporter 3/1/09

Paul E. Johnson
Gull Cove Lodge
P.O. Box 22
Elfin Cove, AK 99825
Board Chair
License Registered

Bob Mumford -
13391 Baywind Drive
Anchorage, AK 99615 Public Member 3/01/10

Richard A. Rohrer -
P.O. Box 2219
Kodiak, AK 99615
Licensed Registered
Guide-Outfitter 3/1/07

Betty Jo Schmitz
P.O. Box 57268
North Pole, AK 99705 Public Member 3/1/09

Ted H. Spraker -
49230 Victoria Avenue
Soldotna, AK 99669 Board of Game 3/1/08

Raymond Stoney
P.O. Box 70
Kiana, AK 99749 Private Landholder 3/1/10

Leif Wilson
40-Mile Air
P.O. Box 707
Tok, AK 99780 Licensed Transporter 3/1/07

Well one of those areas is where that billy came from and yes there is a possibility if you draw that unit we may run into each other. I put that one as my last choice. I shot him out of a group of 4 and I believe there was a bigger one in there. Mine measures 9.75" with 5.625" bases 47.5" B&C. We saw around 95 goats that day. Good luck in the draw, these pics should help you sleep a little better at knight until the results come out in a month. :D
Here's my buddy pointing to the big group across the valley from us, 54 of them.

A cropped pic

Across the valley from us the other way was a band of 10, also 3 groups of billies (not in the pic) off to the right of the picture.


I got lucky as the billies were up on a rounded mt top, but yes he died about 20 yards from a 1,000 foot drop. A 250 gr partition out of a 338 through the chest at 40 yards will definetly drop a goat in his tracks. hump

TBinKodiak said:
Good luck in the draw, these pics should help you sleep a little better at knight until the results come out in a month. :D
Can't sleep now, I now have a chub.hump :D
TBinKodiak said:
I'm a little concerned since I'm in one of those pictures... :eek:

This is Kodiak my friend not Idaho or Montana.... :D

So they do things Different there ?!?!?!


HUMMMMmmm go figure ;)
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