

About halfway through the ML season I told Dink that I can't believe people wait their whole lives to do this. I was not embracing the suck. Don't expect to see a ton of animals on a moose hunt. We saw 9 bulls, 2 cows, and 2 calves in 9 days of ML, and 2 bulls in 30 minutes of rifle.
I’ll trade you the number of elk I saw this year for your numbers. I was contemplating never hunting elk again after some of the elk less days
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Nice congratulations ! Moose are just need to hunt. I use a recycled RnR plastic pint bottle for my moose magnet. The thin plastic on these make for good brush beaters too. Funnel for pouring water to imitate a cow irinating. Taste nice too.
That's a nice looking bull.
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The judges have awarded the Dylan Thomas award for literary excellence along with 17,439 stars, 18 drunk black bears and this limerick:

There once was a man named Oak,
who took a short-assed poke
At a moose with some paddles
sitting high in a saddle
with a jug band slide
and his pal, @Dinkshooter at his side,
He used his loquacious prose
like a kid drinking from a hose
to enthrall the masses with his wit and repose!
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Terry well done. Close quarters shot to me is the essence of hunting the swamp donkey.
Makes me wonder if you are in the market for additional freezer space?
What is your plan for the antlers?
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