Moose Snot and Grizz Cubs...

Never underestimate the power of living vicariously. Thank you for putting the effort into this great story! you should get it in print somewhere.
Good read. Unrelated question- did you happen to draw a NW CO elk tag last year and was there a post about that? For some reason I was thinking I saw mention of that in the past somewhere (possibly a different forum).
Great story! Maybe you’d like to tell how you came to have 3 bighorns on the wall. I’m sure they have good stories as well. @squirrel

I think you can search here "by author" I'm pretty sure at least one is here from a "coulda" hunt where I passed with a bow, no dead sheep but a great adventure. There are now 4 on the wall and the stories are written, not sure how many I put on this particular web site. You may like the goat stories (2) Long reads but time right now has a little less commercial value.

GBfan search under elk "pamela Anderson" though that one was written for a different reason. This story was written to amuse the reader that Pam Anderson story was written to amuse me. Feel free to bump it up 20 pages I could use another snowflake meltdown, it being spring and all...

This whole show reminds me of "tremors" Burt... "Damn underground monsters!" line.
Until one has been in close quarters with a grizzly, hard to explain the intensity of those encounters. Glad this one (as mine also have) ended well.

Terrific story.
Great story! Thanks for sharing this adventure! Very enjoyable, to include laughing after the fact about the clicking and oh shit!

Grats, btw.
@squirrel I really enjoy reading your hunting exploits. You always stop....right on the edge of something good. Thanks for sharing. One of my bucket list hunts!!
Until one has been in close quarters with a grizzly, hard to explain the intensity of those encounters. Glad this one (as mine also have) ended well.

Terrific story.
It does focus the mind in a way that to understand you must be there, and I would imagine it helps to only be holding a bow.

One of the funny side stories that did not make the editorial cut was a couple night after i had my grizz encounter some nice folks down the road had me over for grouse dinner around the fire. I told my story and they told me the WY redneck self defense move.

"Wait until she is just a few feet away and coming hard then reach in the back of your pants and throw whatever you find right in her face to make her turn at the last minute... and don't you worry about having no ammo, it'll BE THERE!"

Around that big fire with liquid courage in hand that was funny.
I felt that Grizz story, Jesus. 45 days like that is unreal. Great read, thanks for sharing squirrel.
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