Moose Sheds By The Ton


New member
Dec 26, 2003
Southern British Columbia
Went out shed hunting today with a couple of buddies. We found a total of 38 moose sheds. hump hump

Some As The Lay Pics








Here's a great matched set. 52 inches wide and grosses 186. Not too shabby for a Southern BC bull. hump hump




Here's some pics of most of today's finds together.


Awesome. Thats one heck of a day. I'm not sure I have 38 sheds total, and I know that I only have 2 moose sheds. Some of those are big boys.
Wanna sell those matching sheds?


Was just wondering if you might be interested in selling that matched set of moose sheds? and how much? :confused: I have never mounted a moose befor and I have a freind that might be able to get me a cape that will work with those sheds?
Was told by a friend that this matched set is worth $400 on Ebay. He said even 40 inch moose sheds are selling for $200 or more. I just wonder how the heck they ship them across the border with the whole BSE thing. If you know how to ship them and $400 doesn't sound too steep then I may be willing to part with them. Even if you know how to ship them please let me know. Can't seem to get any answers out of anyone I ask.
BSE thing?

BSE Thing? What is that? Yeah $400 is a bit to high for me I was looking for a project to do and I have never done a Moose... I'll think about it. Let me know what the BSE thing is and I will look into the legalities of shipping a set of Moose Sheds over borsers. I think it is lega to ship i was told from a freind last night...not sure about a rack from a Moose that has been killed or not...I will look into it,
Build a "BONE" house :)

Nice finds !!!! I like the one that looks split :


for $400 a Pair, if the 38 were pairs thats 19*400=$7,600

Yu could drive a truck over the border with a Trailer and sell them here ;) I mean "gift" them. Call me up, I'll hit the road for pickup ;)
BSE Thing

Hi Taxi -
I believe the BSE that's being referred to is Bovine Spongiforme Encephalitis - also called mad-cow disease. It's my understanding that it's essentially the same thing as Chronic Wasting Disease or CWD that may be making some inroads into the various cervid populations. Fortunately no positive tests in SC yet.

Hope that helps.
When the US shut the border to Canadian Beef, there were other less known closures as well. At first they banned wild meat, capes, horns and antlers that US hunters shot in Canadian guided hunts. This hurt the guiding industry pretty hard. They lifted the ban on wild meat, capes and such but for some reason shed antlers are still restricted. Has nothing to do with BSE, as this is a bovine disease and there is no scientific link to wild animals.
I have sold quite a bit in the past to one ol' timer antler buyer that comes through town a couple times a year. He told me he hasn't been able to buy the last few years because there is no way for him to sell to his American clients. He was up this way in March because the border was to reopen to Canadian Beef in March. I sold him a bunch of antlers and the border never did open.
He pays pretty damn cheap, and I know I've been hosed by him in the past, but he's easy cause he comes here and he pays cash. The most he ever gave me for one moose shed was $275. He told me if I had of had the match he would have paid me $700. It was a monster, I mean MONSTER shed. Wish I had of taken some pics of it. Never even thought too.
Shed values are based on size and quality. A big brown matched set will fetch far more than a big white matched set. Smaller sheds can be worth very little. So, no, it wasn't a super high dollar day. Several sheds were old, chewed and even green. I still pack them home if they aren't too junky.
Here are some better pics of some of the sheds I found this weekend. The big matched set is very unique with the folds. I'm told this only happens to old bulls.





400 is cheap go to and in their for sale fourm put them on there you could get 6 to 7 for them..... Nice finde
How ever did I miss this thread..

What an absolute treat...

Thanks for the postings...

As any other junky would say when they are after another fix....

!!! G O T ! M O R E !!! :D
Pretty much done for the season. Too green out there now. I'm sure I'll find more come the fall though. I always have a good fall season once the leaves drop.

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