Yeti GOBOX Collection

Moose in the yard yesterday


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Had a cow and calf in the yard yesterday that just did not want to leave. When I went out to start the truck yesterday morning there was a calf out in the drive. The cow was off my deck. Later in the day they were climbing on my snow piles and strolling along my sidewalk, leaving nuggets as they went.





Cool pics Elky. You still have a lot of that White stuff over there. We are probably done with it, and GirlGunner has already started "Spring" soccer.

I like the white stuff, but eventually, you have to move on toward Spring.
She just scared the crap out of me. I went out to start the truck again and turned around and saw here about 10 feet from me. She has been feeding on the tree outside our bedroom window this morning. Yeah, we still have plenty of snow, close to 3 feet of settled snow in the yard.
How much did this last storm bring, we got a good 12-14" over here on the east side of the divide. The wet stuff too!!
Oakster, we got 4-6 in the valley. I don't remember what the hills got, they were expecting around a foot. Started out fairly dry, but by Friday noon it was getting heavy.

There are 3 moose total in the yard wrecking the aspen trees and leaving crap all over the place. Had to shovel the walk yesterday because of them.
elkhunter, you have more snow on the ground in these pictures then Ive seen total in 8 years.
Still Id trade for your paradise any day.Man some people are so lucky, wild steaks on the hoof.
After you my dear freind....Or I will take the first bite, but you will the second...LMAO!!!! :D :D :D
I like chocolate mousse sometimes. Pretty incredible. Do you have horse feed around? I've seen your picture with your horse, maybe they come for some of that. Any more bears been back? How far to the woods? It looks like a neighborhood.
Tom, we live next to the golf course. My horse is kept about 12-15 miles from here. The property has running water and lots of aspen trees for them to detroy. Down the road are more aspen treesa. Lots of willow not very far awy also. We keep the walks shoveled and the drive plowed so walking is easy for them. ;) And no bears lately. Hopefull will have another hard hunt from my deck again this year. :D Most of the area around here is developed lawns, golf course and sagebrush.

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