
Moose in Montana

One other point is that Huntalk isn't the best forum from a knowledge standpoint. I doubt most of the keyboard warriors on here have even seen or know what a 160 moose is. I know I sure don't. People come here for about 2-3 reasons: 1) talk crap to make themselves feel better(thats why I'm here) 2) They actually know nothing about hunting 3) they are bored. None of these reasons are going to help you put a 160 plus on da ground! You paid big money for the tag. Best bet is to pay some more for some actual knowledgeable/help. I have been reading this forum for over 10 years. I haven't learned much about actual hunting. And your welcome for the helpful tip. I love helping other hunters.
Hell yes 👏🏼
Lost as to how anyone could spend ten years on this site and then declare that they haven't learned much about hunting. Or why they would declare it for that matter
I’ve been here not even a month and I’ve learned some stuff.. everything else; HELL YES 😂🤙🏽
I’d say 85% fall into one of the 3 categories he described.. a grip of you though, are hunttalk locals. Frequenters that see every post and spend a lot of time on here. I can appreciate that, because for many of you, it provides the same as social media but with many more like minded individuals about a very precise genre of ideas.. that’s why I AM HERE. I like to learn from you all. Jonas, MTLab, Sask, and many more of you have provided me invaluable information without ever intending it. Some of you have been friendly some have not, but that’s the real world… the keyboard warriors that only ever get on here once or twice a month and talk smack are either here for only that, bored, or know almost nothing about the topic, as Roger said.
I’d say 85% fall into one of the 3 categories he described.. a grip of you though, are hunttalk locals. Frequenters that see every post and spend a lot of time on here. I can appreciate that, because for many of you, it provides the same as social media but with many more like minded individuals about a very precise genre of ideas.. that’s why I AM HERE. I like to learn from you all. Jonas, MTLab, Sask, and many more of you have provided me invaluable information without ever intending it. Some of you have been friendly some have not, but that’s the real world… the keyboard warriors that only ever get on here once or twice a month and talk smack are either here for only that, bored, or know almost nothing about the topic, as Roger said.
MTMULEY you’re included in there buddy. Thanks for your content
I took what a biologist said was probably the biggest MT moose killed that year, 50” wide- just barely scores 140” so I’m not sure he knew how to arrive at a B&C score. I have only seen one bigger in person after decades in the mountains. Not that I’d have passed on that moose in a million years but what I learned is that width doesn’t mean anything compared to brow palms. Those brow palms (which mine doesn’t have, just tines) add a ton of inches to the score.
One day, some furiner from Minnesota, Botswana, Louisiana, or some other dog-forsaken place is going to start a topic asking for advice on filling a whitetail B tag with a real meaty animal and then my time to shine will come. And come it shall. Novel worthily. The applause will be endless.
One day, some furiner from Minnesota, Botswana, Louisiana, or some other dog-forsaken place is going to start a topic asking for advice on filling a whitetail B tag with a real meaty animal and then my time to shine will come. And come it shall. Novel worthily. The applause will be endless.
Willing to share any honey holes? 😉
One other point is that Huntalk isn't the best forum from a knowledge standpoint. I doubt most of the keyboard warriors on here have even seen or know what a 160 moose is. I know I sure don't. People come here for about 2-3 reasons: 1) talk crap to make themselves feel better(thats why I'm here) 2) They actually know nothing about hunting 3) they are bored. None of these reasons are going to help you put a 160 plus on da ground! You paid big money for the tag. Best bet is to pay some more for some actual knowledgeable/help. I have been reading this forum for over 10 years. I haven't learned much about actual hunting. And your welcome for the helpful tip. I love helping other hunters.
I’ve learned a heck of a lot on this forum about hunting, and I’ve only been on for about two years. Lots of helpful people on here. Ive met a few of them too.
Having personally met a number of Hunter Talkers, commonalities are as follows:

Excessive consumption of alcohol
Exceedingly poor marksmanship
Poor taste in beer
Worse taste in company
Prone to picking poor tent sites
Commonly drive imports, or worse yet, Fords
Tend to be loud and obnoxious
Ha! I meet six if the listed criteria. mtmuley

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