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Montana's Gubernatorial Race

The 2013 veto was a bad deal. And he was pretty out of touch when he stated that Sidney's growth couldn't be completely tied to energy development.

The funding would have came from oil revenues. If money was an issue, Bozeman or Missoula should have given something up, so Sidney could get it, since Sidney was producing it.
Long term, it may shake out just fine and all be a wash anyway. Some ND towns are going to hurt from overdevelopment, but thats a whole 'nother topic.
Villa and the executive staff always seem to have different (and more optimistic) numbers than the legislative fiscal division.

I can't see any reason to doubt Villa's accounting skills. Wait actually I remember 125 reasons :)

"Budget officials from the Montana Governor’s office faced an angry panel of state lawmakers Wednesday morning. Members of the Legislative Audit Committee demanded to know why a crucial report on the state’s finances was issued in May instead of March, but also contained multiple mistakes, with the potential to cost taxpayers money.

Cindy Jorgenson from the Legislative Audit Division said their examination of the report revealed multiple problems.

“We communicated over 125 significant items," Jorgenson said. "Many of those amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars in error. The audit team caught them, not the agency’s control system, and for that reason we classified this as a material weakness."
A throwback example of Villa's questionable forecasting skills.

3/23/15 MTPR

During an informational meeting last Friday, economists from IHS and the Bureau of Business and Economic Research told lawmakers to expect slower growth in Montana. They point to the low oil prices and expected fall in cattle and grain prices. They say that could translate into sluggish individual and corporate income tax collections.

The message is a contrast to the one from the Bullock Administration. State Budget Director Dan Villa argues that doesn't square with the current data. Villa argues the U.S. and Montana economies are in the midst of an expansion.

"I think its best if we not govern by anecdote.I think its best we govern by the data that is actually shown," Villa said.

This includes actual tax collections and tax refunds by tax type as well as wage growth.

"We have access to see, both your staff and mine, what are the real time W2's. What are people's real wages looking like? Those aren't seen by the folks who want to rein gloom and doom on us."

Seems like Villa was pretty far off based on current affairs.
Bullock has had the same hunting camp for the last 20 years with a group of old friends. He grew up in Montana, has been a public lands advocate since before his time in any elected office, defending our stream access in court as well as the Roadless Area Conservation Rule (All th way to the Supreme Court), fought to keep access open on the Tenderfoot Creek Road and has a solid background of working on public lands (He was a tour boat guide at Gates of the Mountain). He has a pretty good track record on these issues and works across the aisle for better management. Gianforte has surrounded himself with people who advocate for transfer, he funds groups that actively push for transfer and sale of public lands (PERC, UPOM, Americans for Prosperity). Gianforte may hunt, but he's put people in his camp that do not share the valuies of most Montanans when it comes to public lands, and his own track record of giving to groups who oppose public lands and public wildlife is well documented. It's clear that Gianforte is being the opportunist while Bullock has the actual meat in the freezer when it comes to defending public lands and access.

He has, on Randy's podcast and elsewhere, claimed that FWP is at war with landowners, proposed some concepts that have little support outside of the anti-public wildlife crowd and again, surrounded himself with the same legislators who try to set seasons legislatively, want to end our access programs like Habitat Montana, Access Montana and others. You bring up the Legislature, which is very important. We've faced roughly 200 anti-wildlife or anti-sportsman bills from the 2011 legislature, 150 in the 2013 legislature and over 100 in the 2015 legislature. Wildlife is a political cudgel for the Gianforte's wing of the Republican party in this state. If elected, I'm pretty sure that we'll see a lot of bills that would bankrupt our agencies or deny the state our share of PR/DJ funds.

On land transfer, he has all of the land transfer proponents stumping for him. He's made it clear that he doesn't support transfer "at this time," but he's never closed the door to it. Again, Gianforte surrounds himself with people who are advocates for Transfer, and even his LT Gov pick has voted for transfer as a leader within the National Associaton of Counties. He's given thousands of dollars to anti-public land, pro-transfer groups. He hasn't shut the door on transfer, like some of the other Republicans in Montana, and in fact is actively courting the pro-transfer vote. Bullock has also helped work across the aisle to improve management on federal lands through the authority given to him in the Farm Bill, has vetoed bills designed to pave the way for transfer and is working to increase access to landlocked public land while maintaining private property rights.

The Legislature sets the budget. If you think we're overspending, then quit sending a Republican majority to the legislature who sends a budget that large to the Governor. Governor's can't tell people what to pay employees, beyond enforcing minimum wage laws and labor laws.

Democrats aren't the ones who put land transfer in their state & national platforms, or have the track record of introducing anti-wildlife and anti-conservation bills designed to eliminate protections for elk & deer or access funding for sportsmen. That's squarely on the GOP side of the coin. The GOP is the one who has tried for 3 sessions to hand wildlife management decisions over to County Commissions, stripping them away from our state game agency. The GOP has tried to eliminate hunting opportunities legislatively, when the FWP Commission didn't bow to political pressure, and the GOP has, for as long as most of us who volunteer & work on conservation issues, been antagonistic to access, stuffing bills that would alleviate illegally closed roads, corner crossing and many, many other issues.

So, just because some of us lean left on some issues, I think it's pretty ignorant of the facts to say that Gianforte would be good for sportsmen or wildlife by ignoring the onslaught of bad bills & ideas from our friends at the MT GOP while trying to undermine the actual record of Bullock.

Couldn't agree more Ben.

You do realize forecasting is a lot different than looking at the bank account, right?
LOL I wish it were as simple as just logging into my bank app and checking the account.

In any case I think we both have said our peace and made some good points that I hope can be a jumping off point for others.

It was nice doing a few rounds with a respectful adversary. You're welcome at my fireside anytime, especially if you are good at packing moose quarters ;)
LOL I wish it were as simple as just logging into my bank app and checking the account.

In any case I think we both have said our peace and made some good points that I hope can be a jumping off point for others.

It was nice doing a few rounds with a respectful adversary. You're welcome at my fireside anytime, especially if you are good at packing moose quarters ;)

Likewise Schuyler. Spirited, civil debate is a cornerstone of democracy.

You call, I'll haul. It's be slow, but you'll get the meat to camp eventually. :)
At least Zinke came out to Frazer and debated Juneau in front of a very pro Juneau crowd on the Reservation here in Valley County. Wish the Gov. would come out here and look us all in eyes and defend his record.

Bullock Unwilling to Debate in Northeast Montana
September 7, 2016 | volume 103 / Number 35

Governor Steve Bullock has declined an invitation from The Courier to debate in Northeast Montana, following a successful congressional debate between Congressman Ryan Zinke and challenger Denise Juneau held in nearby Frazer on Aug. 29.

Bullock campaign spokesman Jason Pitt released the following statement in response to follow-up requests on Sept. 2: “Steve looks forward to three debates that were carefully selected to be broadcast in Glasgow and across the state.”

Challenger Greg Gianforte has stated his willingness to debate and consented to preliminary organizational efforts around a proposed meeting of the candidates in Glasgow. His campaign issued the following statements through spokesperson Ron Catlett on Sept. 6:

“After twice rejecting much needed infrastructure spending and with his parks board considering closing Hell Creek State Park on Fort Peck Lake, it’s not surprising that career politician Steve Bullock won’t debate in Eastern Montana. The people in this part of the state are tired of being ignored and the debate would have provided a great opportunity for the candidates to speak to issues unique to Eastern Montana.”

The Montana Farm Bureau and regional members of the Farm Bureau Federation agreed to sponsor the proposed debate, which would have been hosted by The Courier and various media partners. A location had been selected with flexibility around prospective dates. No other debates have been scheduled in the area.
The Outdoorsmen/Women crowd must be having an impact. Gianforte's latest commercial is largely devoted to portraying his outdoor interests - pics of him with a bear, a bull elk, in a duck/goose blind, etc. Regardless of candidate's motives and/or who anyone is voting for or against, WE are making politicians recognize the value of this stuff. Wasn't too long ago, it relatively wasn't even on the radar of folks running for office.
It's quite obvious the heat has been turned up a bit.
This is a good thing for us regardless of one's political leanings.
I chuckled at the earlier commercial featuring Gianforte and Daines on their winter hunt, standing beside a very expensive cleated-track offroad, oversnow vehicle. Like, sure that's how Montana hunters travel in the backcountry!
I chuckled at the earlier commercial featuring Gianforte and Daines on their winter hunt, standing beside a very expensive cleated-track offroad, oversnow vehicle. Like, sure that's how Montana hunters travel in the backcountry!

So I wasn't the only one who noticed that?
Bullock will get my vote...Don't forget about another very important race....the supreme court. Juras will kill stream access and has said she is against it. Sandefur vows to protect it. I have been Republican my whole life but Republican party has lost me with their plan to wholesale dispose of MY, YOURS, OUR public lands. I will be voting democrat in legislative races as well.

Thanks for posting this, Shotgun. I somehow missed reading it earlier.
The supreme court race, although less illuminated, is of equal concern for sportsmen/women.
The Gallatin Valley area is bristling with Juras yard signs.
Thanks for posting this, Shotgun. I somehow missed reading it earlier.
The supreme court race, although less illuminated, is of equal concern for sportsmen/women.
The Gallatin Valley area is bristling with Juras yard signs.
I'm guilty of procrastination, but outdoors-people need to start writing some letters to the papers about this race. Juras scored 99k votes to Sandifer's 78k votes in the primary.
I just got a Skyline Sportsmen's email,
Tony Schoonen will welcome the Governor to Skyline Park.

Join fellow hunters and anglers in Butte this Friday, October 21 at 1 p.m. in Skyline Park to rally support for Governor Bullock and his re-election campaign.

Who: Governor Steve Bullock, Hunters, Anglers and a whole bunch of Montanans who love our public lands.

What: Rally to Protect the Future of Montana's Public Lands and Public Access

When: Friday, October 21st, 1 p.m.

Where: Butte, Skyline Park, just east of Continental Drive and Bayard Street intersection.
Weather: Forecast 52o. Coat might be a good idea.

Hope to see you there.
Twas the night before voting...

Night before voting, when all through the state
All the wildlife was stirring, their "wild" was at stake
Voter mailboxes were stuffed with Gianforte mail
In hopes buying the governor election would not fail.

Actually, after seeing the Republican ads depicting, "Meet your new Land Board" tour, and the ramifications that would have on our state land and it's hard fought public access, I went to sleep, distraught last night. But unlike Martin Luther King Jr., I didn't have a dream, I had a f**k'in nightmare. Like trickle down hell, I dreamt certain Republicans were soliciting the FWP Director and FWP Commissioners positions from Gianforte. I saw an old fashioned ring with FWP written in it, 5 hats were thrown into the ring, hats for Scott Bolanger, Mac Minard, Gary Marbut, John Brenden and Paul Ellis.

This was like those nightmares where no matter how loud you yell, no sounds come out. I could only imagine what kind of hell that would be for our Fish, Wildlife & Parks, then on the wildlife & habitat, then on the general public. I woke up in a sweaty panic from the visions dancing in my head, definitely not sugar plum fairies, more like, WTF?

I keep telling myself, surely people won't let their vote be bought by privatization? It was just a nightmare... at least I hope it is just a nightmare.
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All I can say is get out there and vote! We need all of the hunters and those who care about wildlife to show up! I've already voted, but am awaiting the results with baited breath. Loved the poem Kat.

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