Montana wildlife group seeks to stop sheep grazing

I'm going to keep my thoughts on this very short. I felt like the article was terrible, but I know Helle's on a personal basis so I'm torn on this one. I feel like sheep are hard on the land, and obviously restrict wildlife. However, the guys that run cattle in that area do a lot more for that land than the forest circus. They arrange volunteer spray days up there and do all the mapping for them. They also apply for a large grant every year to hire contractors to perform work that is good for the land, that the forest service should be doing but doesn't have the budget to complete. I'm not referring to what Helle's do, because I don't believe they are involved with these projects. So I'm stuck on the fence here. I understand the bighorn issue, but it's tough for me to see a family lose their way of life.
Anyone know how to find out what the status of the NEPA process is on this issue? There may be a newer thread on requiring they perform another study on the grazing allotments, but couldn't find it. Considering the Owyhees change recently, I wonder if this will result in a similar outcome.

Ran by the "sheep hunting store" today at lunch. I had a quick discussion with one of the guys in there, and asked how a bunch of sheep hunters could support Duckworth clothing? He had no clue about this issue, the tie to Duckworth or even believed me. I guess the owner of Schnees is part owner of Duckworth, so there is no way they could be anti-wildlife. :rolleyes: $$$
Anyone know how to find out what the status of the NEPA process is on this issue? There may be a newer thread on requiring they perform another study on the grazing allotments, but couldn't find it. Considering the Owyhees change recently, I wonder if this will result in a similar outcome.

Ran by the "sheep hunting store" today at lunch. I had a quick discussion with one of the guys in there, and asked how a bunch of sheep hunters could support Duckworth clothing? He had no clue about this issue, the tie to Duckworth or even believed me. I guess the owner of Schnees is part owner of Duckworth, so there is no way they could be anti-wildlife. :rolleyes: $$$

I keep seeing all the likes on Facebook from sheep and goat hunters and for Montana grown wool and Duckworth clothing and was wondering about the disconnect between how domestic sheep hurt wild sheep and being impressed with companies that source their wool from herds that kill the very animals they love to hunt. Doesn't make sense to me either. Wool is one product that I would prefer to buy from overseas.
I keep seeing all the likes on Facebook from sheep and goat hunters and for Montana grown wool and Duckworth clothing and was wondering about the disconnect between how domestic sheep hurt wild sheep and being impressed with companies that source their wool from herds that kill the very animals they love to hunt. Doesn't make sense to me either. Wool is one product that I would prefer to buy from overseas.

I was one of those disconnects. It seemed at first to be obvious, just like supporting free range cattle as a locally sourced food I thought why not source local (ish) clothing material production. I have to say never getting a chance to hunt sheep probably helped push it to the back burner for a long time. But have been enlightened to the blight of wild sheep, I completely concur, New Zealand sure seems like a good place to grow my merino.

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