Montana whitetails


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Last week my Dad, Brother, and a couple buddies spent some time chasing WT's in Montana.

The first day of the hunt, my brother Matt and I hit some pretty fair conditions for hunting w-tails. We hiked back into some excellent country and it wasnt long before we started seeing lots of deer. We saw some great bucks and about 11:30 am we spotted a doe running right at us. Right on the heels of the doe was a good buck. The doe ran past us and as the buck came into view, I stopped him with a grunt call. Matt didnt waste any time and promptly killed his best WT buck to date with a shot at 65 yards.


The weather continued to hold for the next couple days and we saw lots of bucks. Our best day we saw 26 WT bucks, most of which were 4 point or better. It seemed like each day we also saw a buck or two that were really exceptional but never quite got the right opportunity. Then with 3 days left to hunt in the MT season, the weather really went to crap. We got some wet snow and then everything turned cold, causing some really bad conditions for still hunting whitetails. But, Matt and I pressed on and despite the conditions on the 2nd to last day of the season we got a break. We were hiking down a familiar ridge when I spotted a buck standing in behind a thick screen of trees. I could see part of his antlers, which looked heavy through my binos. The only possible shot I had was to "thread the needle" between 2 large trees and shoot into an area the size of a playing card. I rested on the side of tree and squeezed the trigger. The buck took off running, but I was sure he was a dead deer. Matt and I walked down to where he was and sure enough, 40 yards away was my 2004 Montana Whitetail. I was about as happy as I could be with this one, he's an absolute grandpa of a deer, his teeth are down to the gums and probably the oldest WT buck I've ever shot.


I couldnt have scripted this hunt any better, taking an old deer at the end of a 9 day hunt.

Just a wonderful time hunting with my Dad and Brother.

Congrats on some awesome animals.

Looks like some tough country to get the ATV into.....

You have a better picture of your buck??? You need some skyline behind the horns.

I have some other pics, I'll scan and upload them later in the week. I forgot my camera ONE day this season and had to resort to the disposable...but, at least I got some pictures without the critter strapped to the back of an atv with its tongue hanging out...

I do have some that show the antlers a bit better.

The area we hunt is closed to all mechanized travel...I wonder why the deer get so old???
Way to go! Great bucks and sounds like you had a good hunt. Sorry to hear that you couldn't get your ATV in there to "pack" em out. ;)

What rifles did you and your bro shot? Your buck looks like he has some THICK bases. What kind of measurements do they have, and scores? Both are great bucks, I'd smoke either in a heart beat, even if I did have to get off my ATV... ;)
Buzz.. Those are some fine looking animals and great scenery too. That 2nd buck looks to have some good mass. Congrats.:cool:
Buzz, nice deer and good pics. Were these the biggest bucks you saw? They are plenty big, just curious about some of the others you saw. I love those dark, heavy antlers on yours.

How did the rest of the crew do?
Bambistew-The rifle used for both bucks was a 30-06 Winchester. They haven't been scored yet but the guess is somewhere in the 130's.

No, they were not the biggest score wise that we saw. I passed a really nice 5x5 that would have scored in the 145-150 range, but he was a real young buck, I'd guess no more than 3 1/2. He had about a 20" inside spread mains of probably 23. But he didnt have anything for mass or age. I think in a year or two he will be an exceptional buck, and since I have a bunch like him already...why not wait? I saw many bucks in the 120-135 range and several that were better. I saw two other 4 points just like the one Matt killed. The biggest buck I saw was a 5x5 with mass and age, long main beams and I would have to guess around 155. I saw him at 100 yards in a fairly heavy snow storm, by the time I sorted it out, he was gone...

The rest of the crew faired pretty well, our camp took 10 deer (6 bucks, 4 does) and 1 elk in 9 days. So, not bad. Matt and I killed the best bucks.

Ithaca, not sure what they weighed, but they were both mature deer.
WOW BUZZ, you are having a great year.

You and moosie both a killing machines this year, and some very impressive animals as well.
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