Montana tag Draw

Oh well I guess i'll go back to work instead of sitting on my ass clicking refresh 1k a day. Gives me longer to think of 2019 upcoming seasons plans ........ will it be an elk hunt? Sheep? Or the possible left field option....... Mountain Goat!:unsure:
I didn't apply in MT last year, but I do remember their last minute announcement that results would be delayed by a week. Year before last, it seemed like there was a slow trickle of results over a period of days, and I remember some people's results changing as the process went along.

Anyone think there's any chance of results being posted early, or will they release right on the dot on 4/24?
I don’t even anticipate the draw anymore as I’m sure it will be another year of disappointment
we all survived somehow !

We sure did. I was pointing out that there isn’t an expectation of it being Monday simply because it was a Monday last year, since the Monday didn’t occur during draw week.
Shrug shoulders, pay money. Expect nothing. Be delighted with mediocrity.
(ask for $10 million from the legislature).
Don’t forget the last part.
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