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Montana S/G/M results 2024

I got a quick response from FWP this morning. It shows I must have been asleep when the quotas for Units 622 and 680 were announced. Shame on me.

It is concerning that the sheep numbers in those two herds and 482 are down. Those have been the bright spot in an otherwise dim outlook for Montana sheep, following a lot of die offs in other areas. I give credit to FWP for adjusting the quotas as necessary, even if I wish the populations allowed for the published quotas.


You are reading the draw summaries correctly. The either-sex ram licenses in 680 were reduced to 10 and the licenses in 622 were reduced to 5 licenses (there was also a reduction in ewe licenses in both of these districts as well). Due to the timing of the season setting process and the need to have regulations finalized, printed, and out to the public, many of the quotas listed in the regulations are often adjusted after the regulations are printed based on additional data (wildlife surveys, harvest data, weather conditions) that may not have been available when the initial quotas/regulations were approved by the commission. The quotas can be adjusted within the previously approved quota range (listed in the regulations next to the quota). Both of these populations of sheep are currently below the long-term average, which is the primary reason for the reduction in licenses. The lower sheep numbers in these districts is most likely attributed to weather conditions the past several years in these districts and not to disease outbreaks or other issues.

During the most recent season setting process, the Fish and Wildlife Commission did eliminate the use of quota ranges for bull elk and buck deer permits, but quota ranges changes are still made for licenses.
Was fortunate enough to draw the 361-goat tag. Could believe my eyes, feels wrong not ever drawing a tag of this valve.
Big fat NO on S,G,M and bison roster #4450 so not in the cards again. In fact I didn't draw a tag in any of the states I apply for. The only hope left is AZ Course deer because that hasn't even happened yet.
Like everyone else, No tags for me as well. Top points don't mean a thing.
I am a sucker for reading about someone else's adventure, so you lucky draw dogs, keyboard fire away!!!
I have additional points, I wish there was a way to transfer them in a will.
I think there is…

Edit: maybe it was in another state, I was reading about. Forgive me! Might still talk to the someone at your regional office and see what they tell you. I think you should be able to when you pass.
I think there is…

Edit: maybe it was in another state, I was reading about. Forgive me! Might still talk to the someone at your regional office and see what they tell you. I think you should be able to when you pass.
Never been true in any western state that I know of, and please don't even suggest this. The potential for abuse is high.
Spent a few days in 323 looking at goats last week. Will go back in July for a more extended stay into several areas. Always fun to see goats, even if not hunting.