Montana Resident - Recommendations


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2019
SW Montana
Last year was my first year (rifle) hunting in Montana for Elk & Deer. I was unsuccessful with my general tag. I have recently purchased a bow with the hopes of hunting this year with it.

As a Montana resident this will be my first year being able to apply for something other then picking up a general tag. Can anyone recommend a particular unit for archery & rifle that would be worth applying for this year?

Overall, I’m looking for a good adventure and being able to fill my freezer, antlers would just be an added bonus.
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Sorry, should of clarified that. Between West Yellowstone & Bozeman. I will be going solo for the majority of my hunting so I was hoping I could find some places where I wouldn’t need to worry about grizz.
A few people suggested the Breaks for archery, but I’m not sure what my odds of getting that tag would be.
I'd hunt general units with your rifle and look at the different archery specific tags for bow.
Take a look at 900-20 archery permit which allows you to hunt approx 20 different units with archery equipment, then as Redside mentioned you can hunt general areas during rifle season. You can hunt Sept - Nov.
Sorry, should of clarified that. Between West Yellowstone & Bozeman. I will be going solo for the majority of my hunting so I was hoping I could find some places where I wouldn’t need to worry about grizz.
You'll have to travel a good ways north and east to truly get away from Grizzlies. Plenty of great archery hunting in any of the mountains north of I-90, and you wouldn't have to worry about Griz unless you work west towards Butte and Missoula.

I don't have numbers handy off the top of my head for most of the districts, but regions 2 3 and 4 all have a few permit districts (both archery and rifle) that you can expect to draw with 2-5 points. I'd get on FWP's website and scroll through some applicant vs successful numbers, or try a gohunt 30 day trial.

PM me if you have more specific questions.
Thank you. 900-20 archery permit looks interesting, I like the fact that 580 on their.

I have permission to some private land in district 580, that should help thin the crowds due to where I can pop onto NF land.
How'd your deer hunt near Broadus go?

I had to cancel that trip last minute unfortunately. Saw a few deer around Townsend/Ringling but they were rather small and I thought I would get a better opportunity, which never happened. Came into a few elk in that area as well, but most were on private or to far away based on how late it was in the day. This year I plan on dedicating more time and effort.
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